This Group has convinced me....

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Dharan, Jun 12, 2001.

  1. Dharan

    Dharan New Member

    Why would I consider earning my PhD in Australia(thesis only)when it will be second class when I return to the US? It seems no one here knows of anyone who has a degree from western australia and is now a tenure track prof at a major University.

    Am I missing something?
  2. Byran Lee

    Byran Lee member

    Let me put this in English for you, if I may...

    1) You're interested in earning a research doctorate from western Australia and you've heard that it may not have the same recognition of a US Ph.D.

    2) As examples, you wanted to see if there are any tenured Professors at top-tier universities who've earned their research doctorates from western australia.

    3) You don't know the answer or may not have time/do-not-want-to to do your own research. You state that "nobody" in this forum knows the answers to your concerns but if fact you acknowledge that we do know, and you would like our perspectives. [​IMG]
  3. Lewchuk

    Lewchuk member

    1) There are tenured track professors from Australian schools (not sure about "western" or what difference it makes) teaching at some very good US schools.
    2) No, there are not many but we are talking about "Australian" Phds (like duh).
    3) My guess is that Australian Phds are only slighly less represented in US academia than professors with doctorates from US DL schools!!!

  4. Dharan

    Dharan New Member

    Yes Mr Lee, you are correct in your assumptions with one exception. I thoroughly reviewed the archives of this site (and deja) and made generlaizations regarding Australian PhDs in the US.

    I only know of one case where a PhD from australia was hired and the faculty committe stated to me that they had severe reservations concenring his qualifications (mostly due to the lack of supporting coursework).

    That is why I posted to this group (i.e. this Is my research). And I would be appreciative of any other input such as Lewchuck posted.

    Thanks to all
  5. Byran Lee

    Byran Lee member

    Hi Dharan,

    Good luck to you on your route to obtaining your Ph.D.

  6. Dr Bernard Leeman

    Dr Bernard Leeman New Member

    Australian PhD's are recognised as equal to US PhD's.

    Dr Bernard Leeman
    Former correspodnence writer
    Australian Ministers of Education
  7. Dr Bernard Leeman

    Dr Bernard Leeman New Member

    The University of Western Australia is a major university.
  8. Dr Bernard Leeman

    Dr Bernard Leeman New Member

    Check out the UWA website and ask them a few questions.
  9. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    This just in: Of the 6,284,323,860 people on the planet (as of 12:17 today), 6,284,323,220 have not yet registered on this news forum. Do not look for definitive answers to questions like yours here. There are easily 200 people of the 640 registered here who could tell you that (for instance) Earlscroft University is a phony. But with 12,000+ GAAP-accredited universities out there, the probability of finding an expert on UWA diaspora is minuscule.

    Anyway: I decided to devote 120 seconds to this matter. With a Google search, I found two people with U of Western Australia credentials involved with the graduate school of civil engineering at Oxford. Impressed, I move on.
  10. Dharan

    Dharan New Member

    Thanks to all,

    I have met yet another professor (of Biology) who has stated that he doesn't care if his grad-students take a single course during their tenure as long as they are contributing to current literature.

    I guess their will be some debate from others, but in the meantime I will be greatful for my acceptance to Perth, and make a decision between US based and WA based PhD.


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