At the first and second debate Kerry listed all the things he would have done differently from Bush in regards to Iraq. Bush 41 DID all those things in regards to Iraq and guess what? Kerry STILL voted against the first Gulf War. Amazing, simply amazing. More hypocrisy!
Let's not forget that during the debate the other night while explaining his tax plan (to increase the tax burden on the rich) he said: "And looking around here, at this group here, I suspect there are only three people here who are going to be affected: the president, me, and, Charlie, I'm sorry, you too." I thought that was extremely arrogant/pompous. So was he implying that he could tell by looking at the audience that none of them made any "real" money? I don't doubt that Mr. Kerry is an intelligent man but I would hope he'd be more sensitive. I'm glad that tonight is the final debate. Kerry is well-spoken (as he should be <most attorneys are> )--but he just doesn't come off as being very personable.
Scary kerry is a hypocrite indeed. He says he is Catholic but yet supports abortion. He is excellent in debate, but that does not necessarily mean he will make a great leader. Remember hitler? He was a great orator, but everything else about him was pure evil.
The Kerry/Edwards gang decided this week to take advantage of the emotionalism surrounding the death of Christopher Reeve. Reeve was genuinely admired by this entire nation. The courage and strength showed by this man impressed all. So, how do you exploit the death of Christopher Reeve for political purposes? You send Super Lawyer to appear before a high school audience to tell them that if John Kerry is elected people like Christopher Reeve, people in wheelchairs, will get up and walk again! Wow! What a deal! "Hey Mom! Hey Dad! You gotta like vote for John Kerry! You know what I'm sayin'? You gotta like vote for Kerry because do you like remember Shawn? Yeah! Shawn! He was like crippled in a car wreck last year, you know? And if you like vote for like John Kerry Shawn will like walk again because John Kerry can like fix his like spinal chord!" But wait! Don't stop there! According to Super Lawyer, not only are quadriplegics going to suddenly arise and head for Starbucks for a latte, but grandma is going to suddenly know who you are and she won't be able to hide her own Easter Eggs! Yes, the great and grand Kerry/Edwards team will cure Alzheimer's. And grandpa is going to stop shaking so much because they're going to cure Parkinson's. And you kids in the audience can put away your insulin too! We're going to cure juvenile diabetes! It goes without saying that only an unadulterated idiot would believe that voting for Kerry would mean a cure for all of these diseases and afflictions. The point here is that idiots are exactly the segment of our population that the Kerry campaign is targeting right now! After the "global test" and "terrorism as a nuisance" comments that's about the only place they can still mine for votes. Unfortunately there are a gracious plenty of idiots who's votes are up for grabs. What's next? Campaign ads by Stevie Wonder? "Vote for John Kerry so I can see!!!!" "Grandma! Throw away that wheelchair! We're voting for John Kerry!"
A thread of conservatives ranting to each other. ...full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Funny
Well there's nothing funny about the Democratic National Committee's manual that came into the wrong hands. The manual tells poll workers to be on the lookout for intimidation of voters and report such. Fine, I have no problem here. However, the manual says to report intimidation even if there is none! The page was shown on several of the news programs last evening and today.