The disadvantages of an elite education

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by AirMedic, Jun 27, 2011.

  1. Ahhhh...sarcasm, the gift that keeps on giving. :) :) :)
  2. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Did you get his autograph?
  3. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    I know, I'm a bastard. But it seemed like such a silly premise.
  4. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    No, but we did have a great lunch and he is one smart cookie!
  5. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    You're the BOMB Steve!

    Abner :)
  6. Petedude

    Petedude New Member

    I should probably drag him to lunch sometime as well-- I think we're almost in the same neighborhood. :)
  7. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I read this book sometime ago but this the general idea applies here. It is a good quick read.

    The Critical 14 Years of Your Professional Life by Robert L. Dilenschneider

    From Amazon-
    Editorial Reviews
    Dilenschneider offers lessons for all Generation X-ers in what they need to know about functioning at work. Decrying the lack of mentors in today's business world, he proceeds to use this book as a paper version or substitute for all the men and women who helped young people "learn the ropes" in business during years past. The author offers a variety of tips and insights that will serve a beginner well, including an understanding of the important grapevine. The book is built on three basic assumptions: today's young people are ideally positioned for success in the twenty-first century; a lack of guidance can shortcut great potential; and there is only a limited time period (14 years) in which to learn what is necessary to thrive in the workplace. The author tells us that the benefits of reading this book are self-knowledge, empathy, the ability to present ourselves effectively, and learning how to retrieve information and how to solve problems encountered at work.

    Product Description
    In today's ultra-competitive, lean-and-mean workplace, your professional success won't be determined by your family background, college affiliation, or educational major. Your intelligence, talent, drive, and ambition ... don't matter, either. As no-nonsense Manhattan executive and international business consultant Robert L. Dilenschneider shows you in this enlightening, invaluable book, your success will depend on one thing only: learning the ropes of the working world - and figuring out how to be happy within it - during the first fourteen years of your professional life. Why fourteen years? Because once you approach your mid-to-late thirties, you won't be easily forgiven for business mistakes - for power struggles with the boss or cluelessness about marketing yourself, for mishandling office politics, or for the negative attitude that comes from feeling "stuck" in an ill-fitting career. If you don't fit in, you're liable to be considered "work illiterate," and your opportunities will be limited accordingly. It's imperative to know the ways of the work world, but with today's volatile economy and downsized companies, older generations are often too busy - or too threatened - to guide you. Now, in The Critical 14 Years of Your Professional Life, Dilenschneider offers himself as that necessary mentor. He guides you on using your own Critical 14 Years to put yourself on the path to unlimited opportunity - within your current job, into the next one, or in your own business. He explains why you are ideally positioned for success in the twenty-first century and why success and happiness don't have to be mutually exclusive.

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