The Anarchists on HBO

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Dustin, Jul 3, 2023.

  1. Dustin

    Dustin Well-Known Member

    Interesting 6-part miniseries. It came out in 2022 and I couldn't get through the first episode. I gave it another try, and really enjoyed it once I powered through that first episode again. It follows a community of self-proclaimed anarchists at the "Anarchapulco conference" in Acapulco, Mexico over several years.

    Although they are anarcho-capitalists, they never actually take any steps to put into place the ancap ideology. Instead the whole thing devolves into a big party. You get the sense a lot of people end up in Acapulco because they are running from something in their other life (the two individuals framing the documentary who use the aliases John Gaulton and Lily Forester both fled felony charges for possession.)

    Several people followed in the documentary eventually die from murder, suicide, and ill-health. I'd love to watch a documentary that followed actual anarchists but this was interesting nonetheless.

    Also interesting how the conference shifted somewhat from a conference focused on anarchy to being taken over by crypto promoters.

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