Well ME As mentioned before you seem way to tied up in the rhetoric to be concerned with the truth. Yep Kerry served a whopping 90 days. He also refuses to release his military record because of what it will say about him. Meanwhile, he complains about his opponet's not releasing his. Clearly there is serving and there is serving honorably. It is also clear Kerry did the former and not the latter. Of course that is something you'll ignore in your hatred and zeal. As to your labeling accusation, it is interesting in one breath you are saying that and in the next you are doing it to others. You know Bush was elected once and it looks like he probably will be again. Either over 50% of the U.S. is wrong or at least some of your thinking and belief is. Are you going to be bitter for another 4 years? Sounds like a tough path to walk.
It's comforting to know that he still has supporters. It actually gives me some kind of hope for the future of this country. Pug
Huh??? Since when does the correctness of one's beliefs depend on a majority vote of the rest of the country? Very strange logic indeed.
A "whopping 90 days." Do you hear yourself? You are criticizing an American who served in combat because he, apparently, didn't serve for long enough, in your opinion. Politics is one thing, but denigrating someone's service to this country -- whether it's George W. Bush or John Kerry -- is simply wrong and Anti-American.