Terrorists: How to Achieve Your Objective

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Jeff Hampton, Jun 14, 2004.

  1. Mr. Engineer

    Mr. Engineer member

    Here is my best friends take on why the Arab world hates us. He is a Kurdish Muslim who fought against Saddam in the mid to late 1970's. He had to flee to Iran and then to Turkey for fear of being killed. He finally immigrated here in the early 1980's and is now an interpreter for the American forces in Baghdad.

    He says there are few fundamental reasons why the Arabs hate us (and not all Arabs hate us or freedom).

    1. A great deal of hate and distrust is left over from the days of the crusades. At the time, most Muslims were sheep herders. For no other reason than he could, the Pope ordered several (was it 6 or 7 - humm forgot) crusades which usually meant the wholesale slaughter of Muslims.

    2. The unabashed support of Israel. Yes, Israel is our ally (humm) - and yes, they have been a subject of quite a bit of Arab hate directed at them. But if anyone thinks Israel is not responsible for at least 1/2 of what is occurring is living on a different planet. Peace may start when Sharon and Arafat are dead and buried, but definitely not a minute before that (they are both terrorists).

    3. So much like a lot of religions, including the Christian religions, the clerics recruit the uneducated masses. So much like Hitler did in Nazi Germany, these clerics (leaders) manipulate and bastardize the words of the Koran to meet thier own objectives. Because a lot of their followers are desperate and uneducated, it is easier to make us the devil (again, like Hitler scap goating the Jews to further his agenda).

    These of course are just his opinions. He is a stanch Bush supporter. We have some rather interesting political discussions. I would rather have some far right winger like Buchanan as President that the chimp we have in office right now.

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