Technical Writing (DSST)

Discussion in 'CLEP, DANTES, and Other Exams for Credit' started by Sowak777, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. Sowak777

    Sowak777 New Member

    DSST Technical Writing

    100 multiple-choice questions in two hours. There is an optional essay that is not required by the Big Three.

    My test was written, so I am waiting on my score (I will update this thread when I get my score). The test had a BUNCH of basic English grammar, usage, and clarity questions. My test had about 5 questions about tables. I found the fact sheet below to be accurate in its description of the test, so study everything in the contents section.

    Official DSST Technical Writing Fact Sheet

    To prepare, I used a few books that my local library had. I searched for “technical writing” and borrowed three of the books they had. The morning of the exam, I went to the university library and checked out a few books on technical writing. Two total would have been plenty, but I have a tendency to over-prepare. I also reviewed basic English grammar and usage.

    Online Technical Writing Book

    I have heard nothing but good things about the Handbook of Technical Writing by Alred, Brusaw, & Oliu. (You can also view parts of it online. The link is at the bottom of this post)

    Always check your local library for book before you buy. If they don’t have a book, request a purchase. When I buy used books, I buy used from and Also, I search for the best price using the following:

    Also, Google Book Search has LOADS of books that are partially and completely viewable online. For example:,M1

    Make sure you know the following:

    • Reports
    • Memos
    • Letters
    • Resumes (different types)
    • Manuals
    • Proposals
    • Abstracts (two different types)
    • Executive summary
    • Graphics
    • Tables
    • Grammar
    • Punctuation
    • Active voice vs. passive voice
    • Numbers
  2. Alissa

    Alissa New Member

    I wouldn't recommend it for everyone, but I took this one cold. I think that if you are really familiar with English, this one will be easy for you. I felt like it was mostly common sense, and pretty easy if you are at all familiar with technical papers through your employment. The essay is not required for this one at Excelsior, but the question just asked to detail the instructions for any sort of procedure of your choosing. I got a 55, and the cut off for an 'A' at Excelsior for this one is a 53. An easy 'A', for sure.
  3. Sowak777

    Sowak777 New Member

  4. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I passed this without any prep - it is really easy.
  5. thatbrian

    thatbrian New Member

    I used the PassYourClass guide for this one and studied for about 6-7 hours. I believe that I would have passed this one cold, because I got a 66 on it (46 is passing and 53 is an A at EC).

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