Suggestion from the newbie

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Orgaknight, Jan 7, 2004.

  1. walter

    walter New Member

    Thats fine for the window-shoppers, or people who want to scan through threads that initially are useless but May eventually have something worthwile for them, but if I want to quickly scan for new info on a particular degree type and level, I have to wade through a lot of stuff that may be meaningful to others, but cetainly isn't to me.

    The search facility would be useful if there was a way in which certain topics to be keyed. For example, new threads could require a selection of level, and type of degree (e.g. theology, business etc). They I could do a meaningful search. I don't care if some of the other threads meander in my direction or not. Is there a way of structuring things like that?

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