Students & Teachers - Free Microsoft Office 365

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by AsianStew, Jun 17, 2024.

  1. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    Just a reminder for those who didn't know already, if you are attending an institution (RA, I think some NA or private learning centers, may even have it) -

    The 'basic MS office suite' options are what's needed, options that may require an install onto the PC such as Access and Publisher is not included. This would work well for those who want to have or may want to use collaboration tools such as MS Teams and other MS apps as well...

    For those who want an even more basic option, the 'home version', you just need to have an MS account ( or, you get 15G of storage and can access MS office suite features, but not the 'full blown features' available on the 365, it's a slimmed down yet workable version.
    MasterChief and Suss like this.

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