Spaniard Online Universities. European Higher Education Area?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Lhosant, Feb 15, 2015.

  1. Lhosant

    Lhosant New Member

    Recently, Spaniard Online Universities have been promoting themselves down here in Mexico, the most prominent being the Open University of Catalonia and Universidad Internacional de la Rioja. Of these two, according to a brief research on Spanish Forums, the first one is better regarded in Spain. However, the second one went to the lengths of accrediting a number of the undergraduate degrees with the Mexican Department of Education, plus is considerably cheaper.

    Personally, I'm more interested in graduate degrees. UNIR claim's that their programs are recognized by an European wide agency called the EEES, which recognized the grades by using the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). Oddly enough, I have hard time finding more info about the EEES, specially in English. I believe that this organization is called the European Higher Education Area in English. The website is a .info one. I would expect a .eu one for such an important organization. Does this organization grants the equivalent of an official accreditation?

    Thanks for any information you can share about the subject, about either university or the Spanish online education system in general.
  2. nyvrem

    nyvrem Active Member

    EU - Recognition of academic qualifications in the EU – Your Europe

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