Some Poignant Thoughts on Undergraduate Ed

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Michael Burgos, Feb 4, 2024.

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  1. Michael Burgos

    Michael Burgos Well-Known Member

    You ought to tell the popular media that so they'll stop politicking.
  2. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    He isn't. He's an opportunist. This is the first stage of adult ego development. Fewer than 10% of adults stay at this stage. Criminals are at that stage, as are users and abusers of others.
  3. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    I guess I'll just keep mentioning the Nolan Chart until people around here realize that a left-right spectrum doesn't make any sense by comparison.

    Truly, you have a gift for understatement.
  4. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Nonetheless, the "conservative" block keeps voting for these creeps. I may think that even "real" conservative ideology is wrong - and cruel - and I DO think that - but it's not the point. Actions speak louder than words you can always No True Scotsman yourself out of.

    Nah - nu-huh! Fascism is an extreme Right ideology. It's true that it goes so far extreme that it abandons conservative principles to favor "revolutionary" transformation into phoney modernist vision of the past; it's also true that it favors totalitarian practices, and as such borrows heavily from the METHODS of the far-Left - like Stalinism. Propaganda tropes are sometimes uncannily similar. But it's a Right ideology, the one global Right now rapidly falls into all over again. Own it, folks.

    Again, all y'all - and in all likelihood him specifically - keep voting for Trump. Which is a threat, to me, for several reasons. What difference would your motivation make?
    "And it’s fine that you voted for Voldemort
    As long as your reasons were purely fiscal
    Oh, you’re just greedy, I didn’t realize, that’s fine"

    Yeeahhh, this still doesn't scream "freedom" to me. Especially in the real fallen world in a society that has long history of not liking non-Christians very much. And also you Protestants denying that Catholics are Christian. Or Roman Catholics denying that Eastern Rite folk are Catholic. I stand by my "eeek".
  5. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    ...also, if you care about order so much - pressure your double-speaking "leaders" in Congress into voting for the border deal.
  6. Michael Burgos

    Michael Burgos Well-Known Member

    So fascism is conservativism without conservative principles and with the methods of the far left? Seems legit.

    Surely you know that people who vote for a candidate do not necessarily endorse everything a candidate does, says, or believes. Characterizing a vote for a candidate as a "threat" is, frankly, a fascist idea.

    We live in a world where all sorts of people, Christians and not, have been persecuted. Let's not pretend otherwise.

    If you know anything about Reformation history, you know that Protestants were excommunicated and, in many places, hunted like fowl. The RCC fired the first shots in both cases. Anyway, there are all sorts of Eastern rite groups in the Catholic communion. As far as who is and is not a Christian, you'd do well to note that the magisterial Reformers judged the clergy in that regard (particularly the antichrist...errr...I mean pope), and not the laypeople. Anyway, the Bible and church have already spoken on that matter definitively (e.g., the creeds).
  7. Michael Burgos

    Michael Burgos Well-Known Member

    I'm surprised you're not skeptical about a supposed "border deal" that involves sending $60 billion to Ukraine for the continuation of a proxy war and $14 billion for "security assistance" for Israel, and one that would permit the cartels to continue to traffic thousands of people across the border every year. Given that the federal government is in $34 trillion of debt, maybe they should start employing some financial restraint.
  8. Michael Burgos

    Michael Burgos Well-Known Member

    Hegel couldn't have said it better. I would have thought the twentieth century would have stopped that nonsense.
  9. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    for... continuation... of a... proxy... war.

    You, sir, are a putin stooge, plain and simple. Great illustration of how rotten so called "conservative" ideology has become. Helping a nation - my birth nation, mind you - resist a genocide is, to your comfortable white ass, an abstract "proxy war". I don't think I even need to go into how you misrepresent literally fudging everything else in your rote, rehearsed talking points up there. There's no need to use words like "Calvinist" just to be a little fascist cultist.
    ArielB likes this.
  10. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Yeah. Extreme nationalism is Right. Many Right groups, including the one driving the GOP right now, rapidly devolve to that as we speak.

    Voting for a candidate is, explicitly, giving that candidate mandate to govern, and consenting to what he would do TO other people. Which is a threat, literally - if he will do harm to a group or groups. It's very convenient for dips#t Internet theorists to treat voting as oh, just expressing a position - even when a candidate runs explicitly to "bring retribution", "own the libs" and such.

    and for that reason. let's hand out reigns of government to one, particular, narrow, misguided, sanctimonious, heretical brand of self-proclaimed Christianity. And call it "freedom". Because, after all...

    ..."so let ME persecute YOU, because why not?" Immorality as a principle (nothing new - putin, the leader of the global Hard Right, espouses exactly this). I wish there was an infallible teaching authority in the Church that would prevent people from branding it "Christianity", hmmm?
    ArielB likes this.
  11. Michael Burgos

    Michael Burgos Well-Known Member

    Let's hope @SteveFoerster doesn't put you in purgatory for that. That impressive and yet unimaginative list ad homs aside, I happen to think Putin is a horrible despot who runs a nation managed by goons. I just happen to think American interventionist policy, in this case, is entirely troubled and poorly motivated. Let me return to my fascist cult now since we're sacrificing puppies and liberals in an hour.
  12. Michael Burgos

    Michael Burgos Well-Known Member

    So far you've evaded every point I've made and merely repeated the same assertions. Yet, I've addressed yours. Why is that?

    Lolz. I will add "dips#t Internet theorist" to my CV. I wonder if @SteveFoerster will apply equal weights and measures.

    That is simply an incredible strawman! Spectacular.

    Yet another amazing strawman.
  13. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Since the thoughts being expressed here are neither poignant nor about undergraduate education, what I'll do is conclude that this thread has run its course.
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