Sociology CLEP

Discussion in 'CLEP, DANTES, and Other Exams for Credit' started by okiemom, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. okiemom

    okiemom New Member

  2. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I used the Sociology CLEP Test Prep (REA) and studied for about a week and passed. This one was easy.
  3. thatbrian

    thatbrian New Member

    CLEP Introduction to Sociology:

    I used the REA study guide and Standard Deviants videos for this one, and they were enough for me to score a 74. Make sure you get the REA guide with the CD, so that you can take the practice tests on your PC (sorry, the CD is not Mac compatible). The REA guide by itself is enough to easily pass this one.

    This exam (IMHO) is one of the easiest CLEPs to pass, so it's a good one to start with if you are a little nervous about the whole process.
  4. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member

    My daughter just passed the Sociology CLEP with a 64. She used:

    o Standard Deviant Sociology Videos (and took a lot of notes!)

    o The College Board CLEP Exam Guide - took the practice test and reviewed what she missed.

  5. MISin08

    MISin08 New Member

    This is possibly the easiest CLEP to prepare for, though I would say no exam should be taken for granted. It was my first and I was trying to establish good habits. My study resources:

    James Henslin's textbook & Reader, both from the library, and the companion website with its quizzes. Other texts would work.
    Stolley Basics of Sociology. Also from the library. This is a really good book on the topic, probably enough to pass by itself.
    Plus I had read my mom's textbook years ago as a teen and studied the subject a bit in 2003, when I first got the idea to do CLEPs. (I kind of like Sociology and if there were still a GRE might have majored in it.)
    Misc reading and textbook site quizzes from Free University Project (not updated in a long time, but what I basically do for any exam is build a study plan a lot like the outlines at Free U. I make searching out and evaluating the study material part of my learning process).
    I used Instantcert, but I'm a poor judge of whether that alone would be enough, because I had prior learning.

    Peterson's tests, which I use whenever possible. I was scoring in the 80s on those, and got a 74 on the CLEP. I recall spending 30 or so hours spread over about a month.
  6. dark_dan

    dark_dan New Member

  7. studyguide

    studyguide member

  8. K466

    K466 New Member

    I'm currently studying for this exam. I've been told to expect it to be a little harder than average. So far I've only been using InstantCert, the official study guide, and a little free stuff, like Wikipedia. I've been scoring in the 60's during practice. Any advice, or does it sound like I'm doing good?

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