So glad this is my last term!!!

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by bpreachers, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. bpreachers

    bpreachers New Member

    My Capstone teacher is pushing me to pursue Doctoral studies as well. She says, and I quote, my brain works different than most of the students she deals with and she feels I would be a perfect candidate for PHD studies.

    Sadly, my personal situation does not lend itself currently to my pursuit of further education. I am soon to leave the military due to medical discharge and have to enter civilian life and find a job so I can provide for my family. Those are my most important things right now. I would love to go after that next step but pursuing further education for me has to take a back seat to life at this point. Maybe later on.

    PS: That degree you linked looks pretty damn awesome especially considering you get Grad Certifications after each module, I suppose that is so you have something just in case you drop out.
  2. bpreachers

    bpreachers New Member

    Finals next week on the 14th and the 16th. Damn I hope I do well!!

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