Senior University International

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Sam, Mar 6, 2001.

  1. Sam

    Sam New Member

    I was informed that the above school was in the process of obtaining accreditation from the South African Government. Any info regarding this possibility? Currently, this school does not possess any formal recognition so it will be interesting to watch.
  2. Tom Head

    Tom Head New Member

    ...and apparently the Russian Federation, and the Canadian government, with the actual degree-granting authority coming from the state of Wyoming (which has notoriously lax school licensure laws):

    I can't imagine that they could possibly get approval as a South African school, being ostensibly located in Wyoming, but perhaps they can get a branch campus approved by SAQA (like Newport did).



    Tom Head
    co-author, Get Your IT Degree and Get Ahead (Osborne/McGraw-Hill)
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    A friend reports that he has been keeping an on on SUI to see if they actually get anywhere with this accreditation from SAQA.
    None of it has come to pass. They also started and application to CETAC in Canada (which is legit and non-profit and accredits business/vocational schools, been around since about 1986). I keep checking in with CETAC to verify if any new developmetn have occured. Last time I checked (january?) the answer from CETAC has been "there has been no further action on this". They also started an application in BC some years back and didn't follow through. My friend and I see SUI as an entity that starts things but doesn't follow through.

  4. Byran Lee

    Byran Lee member

    I do not have a single doubt that Senior University International is a degree mill. It's not a member of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. It's not a degree granting institution in BC (since they're strangely licensed in Wyoming)
    Their "registered status" as a private post-secondary and vocational schools in BC is merely a school licence. If a private school is accredited by the Private postsecondary commission of BC. Then it's a different story. However, the PPSEC does not accredit degree-granting institution anyways. Go to for more info.

    Enough said, SUI is about a 10 min drive away from my home in Richmond, BC. I had the pleasure to send Dr. Bear 3 pictures of their "campus." Leave me your emails and I'll send them to you.

  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I actually paid a vist to their campus in May of 2000. Located in an industrial area, but it all seemed on the up and up. Their v-p, Dr Hassan, gave me the tour. He also showed me the student filing system. At that time SUI had about 40 graduates. But SUI is also involved in other things, providing services to colleges in other countries. To give them fair due, the regionally accredited City University and the regionally accredited Phoenix University, both of which also operate out of the Vancouver area, do not belong to the Canadian Association of Universities and Colleges, and they cannot belong to same becauese they are not chartered in Canada. I believe they are also registered/licensed to operate here. But they are regionally accredited institutions, albeit profit-making. I'd stay away from them also.

  6. Byran Lee

    Byran Lee member

    Opps...Earon is dead right. SUI won't be a member of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada since SUI isn't from Canada.

    The bottom line is, they aren't even accredited by any of the recognized US accreditors. Plus, we all know that the Wyoming private postsecondary licence is probably a joke.

    So, stay away from SUI.


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