OK, although the UMass Lowell online MBA isn't a bad program, I just don't think it's for me. The mandatory online "chats" that are required for each class in my opinion just compromise the point of distance learning, and with my recent travel schedule and work commitments, it's just not working for me. I'll have 12 of the core/elective credits done by the end of this semester. What I'm looking for: 1. AACSB 2. Will allow me to transfer in as many credits as possible 3. Completely online, no mandatory "chats" and other things like that 4. 8 week semesters would be great so I don't have to take 2 classes at a time Any ideas? I've looked around at a few things but so far haven't found anything that strikes my fancy.
No eight week semesters, but Auburn might be what you're looking for. This program is completely online, I'm not aware of any mandatory "chats". Not sure on their transfer policy, most MBA programs only allow 6 credits at most. A few programs might allow more. Some don't allow any.
By chats do you mean synchronous or discussion board chats? Discussion boards are a PITA but a part of every on-line program I've ever been a part of, and looked at, while synchronous can be available but optional. UIS's MS programs were like that.
Oh god discussion boards are certainly a part of every online learning experience I know about. I mean online chats where every student in the class was required to be online at, for example, 7 PM EST on wednesdays for class discussion. That I cannot stand and is not working for my schedule.
Best thing I've found so far is UWW (University of Wisconsin Whitewater) 16 week semesters but they let you transfer in up to 9 credits.
9 hours seems to be the best I've found for an AACSB accredited program. U of North Dakota mentions weekly on-line classes but doesn't mention if they're mandatory. They're $352 a ch currently and a tier-1 national university. That's likely the path I'm taking once I'm ready again to enroll in an academic program.
You may want to also take a look at The University of Texas Online MBA Consortium. The student applies to a particular university MBA program (re for degree issuance purpose), but can complete their actual coursework through various UT consortium universities. Each university will determine the number of transfer credit hour acceptance. “All of the participating UT System universities are accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). UT Arlington, UT Dallas, UT El Paso, UT Pan American, UT Permian Basin, and UT San Antonio are also accredited by AACSB International.” UTOC · MBAO Program Information
This might work. University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Will accept 12 hours of AACSB xfer credit, 10 week course modules, four modules per year (so I could take one class at a time), and $425 per credit hour cost. Even have an International Business Concentration, which I don't have at UML and would like.
That sounds pretty inline with what you're looking for, and it's a recognizable name nation wide if only for their football team.
West Chester University (PA) offers an AACSB online MBA with 10-week terms at $1161 per 3-hour course or $1185 per 3-hour course (out-of-state tuition). West Chester University Distance Learning Online MBA
I'd argue that if you can handle the normal 16 wk semester you'd be wise to transfer to UMass Amherst's Online MBA. There are no online chats or requirements to be in one place regularly. Plus it's the step up from your existing program in the same school system. isenberg.umass.edu