Saint Regis University moves to Liberia

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by [email protected], May 27, 2003.


    [email protected] New Member redirects to, but does not.

    In the 1930s, the Nazis launched a campaign against "Jewish science". A book was published titled One Hundred Authors Against Einstein. Einstein's reaction to this was: "If I were incorrect, one author would have been enough."


    Why was I reminded of this when reading the following sentence from the bio of a professor at Saint Regis University?

    "He's earned double Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees in Religious Studies and Music from various colleges and universities including the English-American Academic Alliance, Laureate University, Academy of Contemporary Research, The Ecumenical Institute and Trinity University."

    [email protected] New Member

    At, it says:

    It is of utmost importance that the college or university have a web domain address that has an ''.EDU'' or ''.EDU.COUNTRY'' ending. St. Regis University's domain is The "edu" means it is a valid university and ".lr" stands for Liberia, our home country.
    It is virtually impossible for a ''bogus'' college or university to obtain a web address with an ''.EDU'' suffix. Colleges are thoroughly scrutinized before domain naming authorities will grant an EDU domain name.

    So St Clements University is legitimate, and SRU itself was illegitimate until a couple of months ago. :rolleyes:
  3. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    An interesting question would be who owns the .edul name?
  4. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    You know it's gonna happen--
    The, uh, defence minister in ex-pump jockey, ex-stickup man, ex-al Qaeda house ------ Charles Ghankay Taylor's "government" is one Daniel Chea. I can hardly wait till one of our lil buddies starts saying that St Regis is Chea-approved.
    Where is the wrath of God when you really need it?

    [email protected] New Member

    Some interesting revelations about how Saint Regis University got its .lr domain:

    piratesmac wrote:
    jesus wrote:
  6. roysavia

    roysavia New Member

    This is a sad thread. If and this is a big IF, SRU receives ANY recognition in the U.S., I'm going to drop out of school and join the Mafia (hey...they have more respect from me than someone with a SRU degree.:mad:

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