Saint Regis faculty have detachable heads???

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by galanga, Nov 30, 2003.

  1. oxpecker

    oxpecker New Member

  2. galanga

    galanga New Member

    ...and in the movies!

    This is one terrible film, but relevant to the thread: The Incredible Two-Headed Transplant. Features Bruce Dern, seven years before his redemption in Coming Home.

  3. Roya

    Roya New Member

    Hi everybody,

    I went to the St Regis faculty page after I read this thread. It sure looks different from the last time I visited their website a few months ago.

    It appears that heads are not being transplanted anymore, now heads are falling! Many have simply disappeared, among them major players like Novak and Carlson! The main "heads" (lol, lol, lol) now appear to be Faciann in Liberia and Azad in India. Many other heads have either been chopped off, or fallen off from their place by themselves. Maybe they were not securely affixed on their shoulders in the first place due to the clumsy transplant job done to them.

    SRU's bogus claim to Indian accreditation seems to have disappeared as well. Probably, they discovered after some time that the "accreditation" Azad had secured for them in India was actually registration as a charity with an authority the function of which is just that, to register charities. It appears that Azad thought, in his confusion and eagerness to serve SRU, that this was equivalent to a full Accreditation by Indian Authorities!!!!!!! Please, don't be hasty in your judgment of Azad, he may not be a liar and a cheat after all, he may have been genuinely mistaken or misguided. Anyway, it may not be so easy for some people to distinguish a charity registration from a university accreditation. Let's not expect too much from some people or their heads may fall off.

    Just my opinion from the little I know.
  4. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Hoo! Hoo!

    Welcome aboard.
  5. Azad - used to be with Canterbury too...

    I don't think Azad is an "innocent dupe" in all of this. At one time, he was also associated with Canterbury University - one of the four "universities" that Instantdegreees uses for their so-called students. Why do I know this? Because when he first joined SRU his biography included his work with Canterbury, but references to that other institution soon disappeared after he became more entrenched with SRU. He was also associated with the Cambridge International University, or something like that, which was another Canterbury/Seychelles Islands clone.

    So this guy has been around - diploma mills that is - for years.

    Maybe some who are more familiar with the "wayback machine" can dig this out of the archives using the leads I've given....

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