Russian MBA and DBA. Total Tuition Below 10k

Discussion in 'Business and MBA degrees' started by asianphd, Apr 22, 2020.

  1. asianphd

    asianphd Active Member

    Russian DBA, total price <10k

    Quoted from the website:
    Note: The DBA degree is not an equivalent to a Russian doctoral or PhD degree in the terms of the Russian law on Education. It is also not equivalent to the PhD degree in most of the countries of the European Union and the USA. A DBA is a post-graduate course.
    A DBA is the highest degree in business (MSc/MBA → DBA). There is a parallel system of degrees in business that is not equal to the system of academic degrees (MSc → PhD). These two systems shouldn’t be confused.
    A DBA is useful for those who are looking for a career in business, while a PhD is valuable for those who are looking for an academic career (working and teaching at universities, for example). However, the DBA degree is valuable for those who want to teach at MBA programs, for instance.

    Also, for that price, you will receive two degrees!
    Master in Management (MIM) + Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

    What do you think?
    Mac Juli likes this.
  2. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

    asianphd likes this.
  3. Johann766

    Johann766 Active Member

    Not state recognised in Russia..
    Mac Juli likes this.
  4. asianphd

    asianphd Active Member

    Mac Juli likes this.
  5. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member


    But if you would like to study doctorate level courses at a very cheap price, you might want to check the "Level 8" courses in UK. They are equivalent to a doctorate and might be a suitable alternative for you!
    Feel free to check by yourself on sites like! Personally, I can recommend the Brighton School of Business and Management (studied a Level 7 degree there in 2013); have a look here:

    Best regards,
    Mac Juli
  6. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    That seems like a workable program if you can get any of the credit evaluation agencies to review the materials and see if it's similar to a US recognized institution. If so, then it may be worth it. I was looking at other programs in South America instead as a PhD can be had for about the same pricing, most of these institutions are recognized as equivalent to a US college. Here is the same thing from UCN - MBA & DBA -

    The reason I would recommend this is because of their CHEA IQG recognition: see here and which to me means they've gone through an evaluation process but not an accreditation process through CHEA. If that is the case, they should be able to get similarly recognized by any evaluation agency as very close to a US recognized institution at the regionally accredited level. In other words, it may be viewed as RA.
  7. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member


    Agreed, I guess that this is a good suggestion in your home country! (If it interests anyone: Here in Germany, alas, it is not. These Doctorates there seem to be quite rigorous, but are simply not accepted. UCN and UA are listed as H+ here, but online degrees are explicitely excluded!!)!

    Best regards,
    Mac Juli
  8. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    In Canada, WES Canada does not recognize PhD of UCN neither PhDs from UA. However, in the US, some NACES member credential evaluation services have recognized UCN according to some members of this board.
    Mac Juli likes this.
  9. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    EMAS looks like a private business school. Many European countries allow private business schools to operate but their degrees are not recognized outside their countries due to lack of official recognition.

    The degree might legal in Russia but I would consult with a foreign credential evaluation service before enrolling in the program. Normally credential evaluation services check if the school is formally recognized by minister of education of the country in question before granting equivalency.
  10. asianphd

    asianphd Active Member

    What's the meaning of H+?


    I am in Indonesia, as long as the degree is valid in the issued country, my gov will validate the degree.
  11. TEKMAN

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!


    Eurasian Management and Administration School (EMAS Business School) (Russia) is one of the leading business schools in Central and Eastern Europe and the world – 2 Palmes Award: Good business school with strong regional influence, Eduniversal Business Schools ranking 2018 (France).

    EMAS programs have four formats: full-time on-campus, part-time, blended learning and 100% online.

    Every program is in English or Russian - up to a student's choice.


    MBA, Executive MBA and DBA programs at EMAS place great emphasis on providing students with a deep and profound understanding of professional management competencies (like business modelling, strategies of business development, business growth on fluctuating markets). This is what makes EMAS completely different from university business schools and their online counterparts.

    One of the world’s top non-academic business schools FOCUSED ON IMPLEMENTATION PROJECTS.


    Study MBA, Executive MBA, DBA programs & business seminars from anywhere in the world!

    Join a truly global network, increase your income and build a career anywhere you wish!"

    Interesting! Does "non-academic" equivalence to Vocational School?
  12. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member


    This is the rating of this institution in the German anabin database, an official classification of foreign schools in Germany. Have a look here:
    H+ would mean an accredited institution, H+/- an institution that may be accredited under certain circumstances and H- an unaccredited institution. As I stated, both UCN and UA are considered accredited (H+ classification), but *not* for distance learning degrees.

    Best regards,
    Mac Juli
    newsongs likes this.
  13. Johann766

    Johann766 Active Member

    EMAS however invests a lot in Google Ads, I get their advertisement all the time when I´m searching for relevant terms like MBA DBA :D
  14. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Quantic buys YouTube ads, which I've seen lately even when looking at non-education related videos there.
  15. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Google taylors it to you rather than the video. I visited NationsU website a couple of weeks ago on a lark; Facebook now keeps showing me their banners every time I log in.

    Back to the topic at hand: color me unimpressed with the whole idea of business education from Russia. This is not a university; I have no clue how valuable this would be even in Russia (seeing how even the traditional PhD lost a lot of luster since Soviet time). The whole verbiage about "Russian Stanford" is too much even for Russia; if they imply they have more prestige than the Higher School of Economics ("Vyshka") in Moscow or Plekhanov Economic University (St. Petersburgh) ("Pleshka"), not to mention Lomonosov Moscow State University, I'd bet this is not true. Maybe it has some weight in Russian upper management (as a proof the holder can afford to spend money on shiny things), but I can think of other things that's be move impressive: an uncle in high Government position, perhaps, or a real Western MBA, or a degree from Vyshka or Pleshka. Even for these kinds of people, most choose to buy themselves an official degree; vast majority of Russian elites have research degrees (Putin has one, (ghost)written back when he was just a deputy Mayor of St. Petersbourgh).
    Uninvited Ukraine reference: I believe the current President and Ukrainegate star Zelensky is the first President of Ukraine who's not a PhD; perhaps being a successful celebrity comedian/actor/producer was enough of an ego booster for him. I'm not quite sure about the first President, Kravchuk; but he was a high-ranking Communist Party boss, and these types usually checked that particular box. Second one was a rocket engineer; third - a finance guy, fourth one held a Professor title even though he was unable to spell "Professor" correctly, and the fifth has a PhD in Law that he barely mentions (the awarding school is quite spectacularly corrupt, led by an official who famously rigged the election against Pres #3, triggering the first Maidan Revolution. #5 was a close ally of #3). So if you want an advanced degree from Russia, be like these guys and buy yourselves a real one.
  16. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    I probably looked at their web site ever, so that tracks (as it were).
  17. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    Universidad Azteca distance degrees are not recognized by the ministry of education of Mexico. This makes them legal but not officially accredited.
    As for UCN, I believe the main problem is that most of their PhD programs are validated but not taught by UCN. Validation means you give me some money and I print the diploma but you do the teaching. The last validation practice is common in Spain but this lead to non official degrees.
    Mac Juli likes this.
  18. Johann766

    Johann766 Active Member

    Afaik the ucn/azteca distance learning degrees not being controlled/supervised by the ministry of education.
    I believe that's a little different from "Not recognised", which I would understand as having assessed but rejected the programmes.
  19. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    Azteca and UCN basically allows any non recognized school to be able to grant Mexican and Nicaraguan degrees. This is a common practice in the UK but the difference is that UK Universities monitor closely the partners while Azteca and UCN seem to be just a rent name operation.
    In some places like Germany, if the foreign PhD is officially recognized by the government it allows the holder to get better salaries at the government level and gives access to some government positions as these evaluations are official and employers and government are obliged to recognize them. In other places like in Canada, the foreign evaluation services are not officially recognized other than for immigration purposes, this means that I can have a certificate that gives an equivalency of my Azteca PhD to a Canadian PhD but the government or employers are not obliged to recognize it.

    If the German government recognizes Azteca and UCN, this will open the door for abuse by German citizens that would rather get a PhD from Azteca or UCN than local PhDs as many of the private schools give PhDs in two year part time executive formats.
    In Canada, the PhD from Azteca or UCN has limited use, other than being able to be an adjunct or boost a self employment practice, given the glut of PhDs from local schools, Azteca or UCN would be a tough sell so I don't see many Canadian citizens running for these degrees. WES does not recognize Azteca nor UCN degrees for equivalency purposes but there are other evaluation services that might accept them, we have few reports here of people that have been able to get a NACES recognized evaluation service equivalency with a UCN degree, some employers in Canada recognize American NACES equivalency reports too.
    Azteca and UCN have been positioned themselves as education providers of PhD programs for people that just want a PhD for self improvement, boosting a private practice or being able to adjunct on the side. As most people wanting a PhD for this purpose are not willing to invest a lot of time and money, these options seems to work for some.
  20. engadnan

    engadnan Member

    I believe a number of (so-called) schools in Russia are recently advertising their MBAs with one being IIBN,, recently pointed out to me by one of my colleagues. I do see that they have some sort of license to operate from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, however, i am unable to verify this independently.

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