Hello: Could you please provide any thoughts / recommendations/ value / recognition of the MBA Program at Gordon University for the American student. Thank you!
Gordon College is a small accredited Christian school in MA. However, the Gordon University you are referring to is in Florida, and that one my friend looks like a degree mill. I could not find any info on accreditation. I would stay away from it. :yikes:
I think the op is referring to Robert Gordon University in Scotland. Robert Gordon University (RGU) Home | Scottish University of the Year | Aberdeen Scotland I initially thought the same thing as you.
Robert Gordon University is from Aberdeen, Scotland, UK RGU: MBA Degree Programme | Choose from MBA, MBA Oil and Gas and MBA Transport I don't know about its value for an American student. They offer MBA Oil and Gas Management, and Aberdeen is "the oil capital of UK" (and possibly of Europe). If that is your industry, there is not too many DL MBAs specialized in oil and gas. Other DL MBA (plain-vanilla) seems OK, but there are other (and maybe better) options in the same category: Strathclyde or Heriot-Watt from Scotland. From England: Warwick, Durham, Imperial, Leicester etc.
Hello, Thank you for replies. Yes, I was referring to Scotland school, I apologize for the confusion. But based on this forum Harriot-Watt Edinburgh school providing DL MBA just with the plain books to study and you on your own, that my understanding. Please advise which one is better!
RGU sounds like a great program, but "better" depends on what you are looking for. RGU is a cohort program, and requires a 10 day on-campus workshop your second year, group work, and a dissertation or MBA project. It is also AMBA accredited. Heriot-Watt doesn't have these requirements.
Aberdeen Resident Hello, I am an American working on a PhD at the University of Aberdeen. I have met a few students at RGU, some of them international. They have a decent reputation, and do attract a lot of students who wish to work in oil and gas, as Aberdeen is called the oil capital of Europe. It seems that Aberdeen University students view RGU as the "other" school in the city, but that should not sway your opinion. The northeast of Scotland is a great place to live!