Rest in Peace President Reagan

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by LBTRS, Jun 6, 2004.

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  1. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Re: To Mr. Engineer

    Hmmm...wonder if I should tell people I've contacted Menger.

  2. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Libertarians more often maintain that government creates the situations requiring the rallying you laud. And "The Man on the White Horse"...well, he may be the last one you'd want to trust much less follow. That said, I'm not a dogmatic sort of libertarian and would consider your point that there are times best served in some common purpose.
  3. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member

    Given the way that Bush has already gutted the Constitution, do you really think that we are going to have a legitimate election in November?

    To paraphrase Chruchill (and others), our Constitution is the worst that has ever been written -- except for all the others. We have the best political system that anyone has yet come up with, but, if history tells us anything, potential tyrants are constantly plotting ways to overcome it.

    I think Bush believes he has been chosen by God to lead the way for the second coming of Christ, and he will do anything to accomplish that.

    Why should we not believe that "Operation October Surprise" is not well underway?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2004
  4. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    I must have read a hundred times that Clinton was going to declare martial law to effect his October Surprise.

    Why should we not believe it? Because I'm willing to get rich taking bets to the contrary.
  5. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

  6. chris

    chris New Member


    You have some problems if you truly believe this. Conspiracy theorists anyone? Go ahead and start your tirade against me. I will not respond as anrone who thinks like you do cannot be argued with anyway. Zealots come in all colors I guess.
  7. chris

    chris New Member

    It is the Post Rich

    Let's see, Reagan was against most forms of affirmative action. So are most Americans. Reagan wanted to wean people off of welfare, so do most Americans and it happened 6 years ago. Reagan visited Bob Jones University, yeah and because of it it changed some of its more obnoxious ways. But it's ok for Dem's to visit leftist organizations that advocate against the US government. Reagan wasn't perfect but who is or was?
  8. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Re: It is the Post Rich

    Which Democrats visiting which organizations?

    As the article noted, the Reagan administration didn't just "visit" BJU; it tried to get BJU a tax credit.

    Yes, Reagan wasn't perfect. A visit to a Nazi cemetary, Iran-Contra (in which he and then-Vice President Bush were directly implicated), record-setting budget deficits, several staff members convicted of felonies, attacks on the school lunch program, SDI, re-commissioning battleships, Grenada, James Watt, attacks on the EPA, the Marines in Lebanon, the Meese Commission (not to mention Meese himself), support for Saddam, support for Islamic radicals in Afghanistan, and too many others to count all indicate he was hardly perfect. All those "naughty" people and things, but he comes out "nice."

    If "no one's perfect" is the standard, then all Presidents this side of Nixon should get a pass. Funny how that isn't the way it works, though.

    Reagan did this country a service. But it came at a price that is still being paid.
  9. Ike

    Ike New Member

    Isn't that the problem? Doesn't that make him the Grand Ayatollah of the Republican Party? Is he a religious fundamentalist? If he is, what’s the difference between him and Ayatollah Kameini of Iran?

    Mixing politics and religion is unfair and very dangerous. I don’t believe that the same God that I worship cares about mundane affairs like Presidential and congressional elections. I wonder why He (God) would hold a discussion about the forthcoming Presidential election with Rev. Pat Robertson, who stated a few months ago, that in his conversation with God, He (God) assured him that George W. would certainly win in November.
  10. Ike

    Ike New Member

    May Reagan's soul rest in peace

    As Christians, there is clearly a big difference between George W. and Reagan. Reagan never for once claimed that God sanctioned his decisions and actions, and in my mind, that makes Reagan a better Christian than George W. Bush. Reagan never pretended to be an ardent Christian in the public. Reagan was a good president. May his soul rest in peace.
  11. Mr. Engineer

    Mr. Engineer member

    Re: May Reagan's soul rest in peace

    Well said - thank you. GW is going down a dangerous path mixing his extreme religious beliefs into his political decisions. IMHO this makes him no better than the Ayatolla.
  12. chris

    chris New Member

    John Kerry

    Wilson was a member of the KKK. John Kerry spoke and was a member of an organization which advocated the use of murder to achieve it's ends. Do I think he believes in that? No, but just because someone speeks to an organization doesn't make them a believer in all the policies. Yes, Reagan tried to get them an exemption. But once again, he also made them change the rules which got them in trouble. Those other things were parts of bills he signed. That is how the federal government works. Kerry voted for the war he is now against.

    Oh hell, why bother. Tthe only extremists I am hearing today are you guys. Engineer dude compares Bush to the Aayatollah, Hampton prints his ca-ca. Get a grip, you people need to actually spend some time in politics and governing before you know what the heck your talking about. You guys are nuts and I am done with this board.
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