Just how tough is the math in the research methods class required in most D. Ed. programs? I am thinking of going to a lower prestige RA school for this. I have done acceptably in two masters level research methods classes, but I greatly fear heavy statistical math because I have a math related learning disability. Should I go for the MA in English I am considering or try for the D. Ed? B.A. Political Science, Arkansas State University M.A. Social Sciences, Montclair State College M.S. Criminal Justice, New Jersey City University
While I can not speak specifically to a D. Ed degree, the research methods classes in my Ph.D. program were the most demanding math studies I’ve taken. It was not so much learning formulas or memorizing terms, so much as it was learning what statistical procedures to use where, and why one would use them. A good statistics program like SPSS takes care of all of the actual computing of the data though.
I cannot imagine computing data in a stats class with the present technology. In 1984, I took 9 hours of stats in the MBA program and went through hades. In my masters in psychology the SPSS package was a part of the course - easier, but you still need to know which formula to use. In my PhD, again, it was the knowlege of what the data tell you and how to use packaged software. In analyzing the data I hired a grad student in BioMedical Engineering to take my collected data and digest it and give me the benefit of the mean, median, mode, and basically what the heck it meant. Check with the school and see how they approach the Stats course. Good luck.
I'm sorry to say this but you've asked a question that no one can answer. "How tough is the Math...? If you're good at Math then it will be easy, or at least manageable. If you're bad at Math then it will be impossible. Math at a doctoral level? Are you serious? I'd say that you'd have to be comfortable with Masters level Math courses. If you struggled as an undergrad then you'd better be prepared to spend long hard hours getting through those courses.
:iagree: Mind you, CornCod, I have 0 experience with graduate level studies, but I do know that if you are really interested in a doctorate, and anticipate that you might not have math skills at the appropriate level, you can do something about it :headbang: There are free research method course materials that you can go through on your own until you feel ready. You can also buy your textbook for the course you are taking in advance and, again, you can go through it on your own until you are ready. I'm not saying it will cure your learning disability, but at least it will give you a leg up. http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/sloan-school-of-management/15-347-doctoral-seminar-in-research-methods-i-fall-2004/ http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/sloan-school-of-management/15-348-doctoral-seminar-in-research-methods-ii-spring-2004
Given you already have taken stats in your other graduate courses, with a little discipline and a good instructor, you should do just fine. However, you question leads me to think the stats class should be your least concern.