Ranku ...online degree search that prioritizes employment success over marketing

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by CogitusInterruptus, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. Online Degree Programs from Trusted Colleges and Universities | Ranku

    This is interesting. It is certainly the first online degree search I've found where B&M universities with online degree offerings appear at the top. On many they don't appear at all. And the venture is backed by Mark Cuban.

    Here's how they describe themselves:

    Intriguing, although "unbiased" is probably a stretch. "Differently biased" would be more accurate, since any choice to emphasize certain qualities for priority in search ranking is a bias. But I do appreciate that their chosen bias is one that emphasizes meaningful outcomes for students over how profitable the referral of the student will be.
  2. instant000

    instant000 Member

    It would be nice if they allowed one to sort by these fields:
    salary - high to low
    employment - high to low

    Additionally, there should be a way to browse the raw data set, which hopefully also include years of experience and location (which also plays into salary).

    Also, I want to have the option of viewing the raw data behind their data points. (How many parties were sampled?)

    The site claims to get data without the school's permission. How are they making money?

    OK, I see it now:

    Also, if you look to the left hand side on this page:Online Degree Programs from Trusted Colleges and Universities | Ranku

    You can see that you can set an advertising budget: 10-20K, 20-30K, and 30K+. :D

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