I heard that Radio Shack is "restructuring" since there are other troubles besides this fellow. I wonder if he will suffer for his indiscretions during this process. Hang 'em high.
From a "February 2006" update to the Radio Shack corporate site: http://www.radioshackcorporation.com/media/edmondson.html "Edmondson graduated from Pacific Coast Baptist College in San Dimas, Calif., where he earned a ThG diploma in theology. " The UNACCREDITED school is actually named Pacific Coast Baptist BIBLE College.
Well, at least it's the correct degree for "beliefs." "No, your honor, although the books look like I embezzeled, I believe I was just giving myself what I believed to be a well earned bonus." How can one not know whether they have a degree or not?
Edmondson resigns The New York Times (registration required) reports today that: The company states: Apparently this corporate dirtbag will suffer, though he still gets a severance package of something less than a million dollars.