When one of Bush's daughter's stuck her tongue out at the media, it was plastered all over the media for weeks. Yet, this photo of one of Kerry's daughters was nowhere to be found in the mainstream media: http://www.snopes.com/photos/risque/kerry.asp
Na tatas. Don't like the face though - little on the plain jane side. This was a well-published picture. I guess you don't watch the E channel or other Entertainment shows. I still like the picture of Babs in court after her fake ID and underage drinking ticket -- or better yet the twins wrestling. I think it would be a better shot of them mud wrestling though. )
Yes, this picture was widely publicized. There was a discussion of it in the New York Times (though the newspaper didn't print the picture itself).
First you say the picture was "widely publicized" then you say "didn't print the picture itself." I watch nearly every cable channel available, nearly all news channels, read many national publications and have never seen or heard about this until now.
So...what your saying is that it was shown once? That's extensive coverage? Jimmy is just trying to demonstrate that there's an imbalance in the media. Your reference, that it was shown once on one show, only proves his point. Jack
I'm not disagreeing with Jimmy. The only place I saw it was on Brit Hume's show and Drudge Report. BLD
I just don't recall seeing it on Brit Hume's Grapevine. I usually watch him every night. Perhaps it was one of the few nights I missed it. Thanks Barry.
ok, this is an example of everyone getting way too worked up. I have seen the Kerry photo in a number of places, and I have never seen the photo of the Bush daughter sticking out her tongue. Just one more instance of the radical conservative media bias? Not! In any case, I don't think the actual substance of this issue is in any way commensurate with the title of this thread. Relax. It's not that bad.
Jimmy, You know, I will admit that the media probably does have a bias on these kinds of issues. I don't think the bias has much to do with political bias, however. It has more to do with reinforcing stereotypes, and stereotypes that people find interesting in a very superficial way. Bush's daughters are seen as a very real extension of Bush himself. They are portrayed as "party girls,", children of privilege, and as something less than serious scholars. People find this entertaining (and reinforcing of their own ideologies to some extent). Thus, if the media can catch the girls drunk, or partying, it's news. More accurately, it's entertaining at the lowest order of thinking. It's entertaining to the people who get their world news by watching Entertainment Tonight. I have no doubt that this group is comprised of both liberals and conservatives, and generally those who are too lazy to read. Kerry's daughter, on the other hand, is portrayed as an intellectual. She, apparently, is a filmmaker, and the shot of her in a see-through dress was taken at the Cannes Film Festival. The media does operate under bias in that I'm sure they don't follow her around to parties thinking that they're going to catch her drunk and vomiting into the gutter. They do follow Bush's daughters around trying to catch that sort of thing. I would bet that you and I probably agree that Kerry's daughter occasionally tilts towards partying too hard, and Bush's daughters may be more intellectual than is generally perceived. The media does polarize issues, because that's the way the average Joe easily digests the junk food the media feeds us. The reality is more gray than that, but gray is hard to digest.
Yes, we all know how much conservatives love it when nipples appear in the mainstream media. The photo of Jenna sticking her tongue out was widely reported BECAUSE IT WAS FUNNY. It was not a "radical bias," it was just FUNNY. The photo of Alexandra was not widely distributed, because it showed NIPPLES. Nipples are evil, apparently. Any media outlet that published this picture would have felt the wrath of the neo-cons. And any broadcast media that aired it would have been fined. And that fine would have been applauded by the very same people who are now outraged that they did NOT air it. Look, this is probably the most important Presidential election in our lifetime. Why do you want to focus on irrelevant nonsense like this, instead of the things that really matter? I think the answer is obvious.