Questions for anyone who has completed a major research project or dissertation.

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by LadyExecutive, Oct 9, 2009.

  1. LadyExecutive

    LadyExecutive Member

    Thank you, Dave. I appreciate your saying so. I read a paper recently called the Scholar-Imposter. It basically said exactly what you're saying. I won't give up but I am not stressing as much. I think my problem is that I am too much of a perfectionist. If I don't get it immediately, I tend to feel stupid and unworthy.
  2. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    I just watched a series on CSPAN where several of the justices were interviewed. What I found interesting is that when decisions are written up many drafts are created with each one being vetted by law clerks and the other justices. Sounded a bit like writing a thesis or dissertation. So writing draft after draft is pretty normal bedfore you enf up with a finished product.

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