Question for the "Theology" Folks--CL, Russell, North, Tom, Others

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Michael, Jun 25, 2001.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    You will have to decide which weighs most on your decision. UNIZUL is probably the most affordable. Potchefstroom has been around much longer.

    If you like PUCHE and you wait too long the cost will only become greater after July.
    So in terms of that option you only have a couple of days to make up your mind.


  2. Michael

    Michael Member


    Your sample CSU-HUX sample outline continues to intrigue me. I would have to decide if I wanted to creatively-orient a religion cooncentration or religiously orient a creative concentration. I guess it would all come down to which discipine I'd rather teach--religion or English literature.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Sounds like some of the Canadian doctoral programs in theology.

    I remember that my undergraduate NT class (taught by an Anglican Th.D.) was one of the hardest classes I took. I took classes in Taoist philosophy and Islam which were a breeze by comparison.



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