Prophetess Juanita Bynum's Ph.D. questioned

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Roscoe, May 17, 2003.

  1. Roscoe

    Roscoe Guest

  2. Roscoe

    Roscoe Guest

  3. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    I confess that I've never heard of Juanita Bynum but, seeing that she's a "prophetess," she must have seen this controversy coming and be adequately prepared. :cool: Judging from the remarks made by her defenders on the forum where the link leads, she probably could have killed someone in cold blood and these people would still say she's the best thing since sliced bread. It's an interesting counterpoint to our own discussions on accredited vs. non-accredited. They really don't care at all, even if it's a mill degree. Oh well.
  4. Starkman

    Starkman New Member


    The "Queen" on the site says that these people deserved the title [Doctor] because of their hard work and faithfulness.

    Ignorance only compounds the issue.

  5. dlkereluk

    dlkereluk New Member

    That "Queen" woman not the great Christian that she makes herself out to be with her rather severe insults to people who ask honest questions.
  6. Unfortunately, this is typical in some independent Charismatic circles.

  7. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member

    Wow. I'm not exactly sure where the phrase appears in the Bible, but apparently the ultimate defense for claiming a degree from a mill is: "Don't hate the player, hate the game."

    I think everyone on this board is just a bunch of playa haters.
  8. oxpecker

    oxpecker New Member

    LOL. I liked the one in which she writes "Why don't you stay out of GROWN FOLKS conversation and go play with your toys!" Also "Grow-up! and Get a Life!"

  9. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member

    Oxpecker has been drinkin' the hater-ade.

  10. LOL!

  11. Oherra

    Oherra New Member

    Juanita Bynum's bio is full of odd sorts of things.

    You'll notice it says she currently tends Greater Bethel Ministries in Hempstead, New York. This is an extremely long distance from the headquarters of her ministry which is in Waycross, GA (the city I live in). I cannot imagine flying that far just to attend Church every Sunday.

    It is conceivable that from Waycross she would have been able to attend a school in Jacksonville, FL. Jacksonville is only about an hour and 45 minutes or so south of Waycross depending on traffic once you hit Duval County.
  12. Hey Guys,

    This stuff is killing me :)

    You have to go back and see the response by Angelwatching who claims to have a PhD from Yale.

    Funny stuff.

  13. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member

    "Everyone is not the same that why we were made different."

    -Dr. Anglewatching

  14. ROFL!

    Sorry. Can't help it.

  15. Interesting point, Oherra.

    I just visited the site and reviewed the message board. Seems the person called "Jabbazz," was kicked out for asking about her Ph.D.

    Funny thing, though. Jabbazz writes like one of us.:)

    I think I know who it is.

  16. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member

    Hmmm... and Jabbazz registered on the site the same day that the message about it was first posted here.
  17. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member

    Well if that person starts posting again, you better turn 'em in.

    Number 14 of the "Main Rules" (Note that there are also 7 "Guideline Rules" as well as 10 "Miscellaneous Rules.")

    14. If you know of someone who has been banned and know that the person is posting under a different name, and if this found out, you may be subject to also being banned.

    I know that you would be crushed by being banned from the awe-inspiring presence of the Dr. Prophetess.
  18. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member

    In a hilarious turn of events, as of tomorrow, Juanita's own message board is no longer allowing users to include titles in their user names:

    "Unfortunately, at this time, we do not have the capacity to verify the titles and positions of each and every one of you who desire to use titles within your usernames. As stated in the Bulletin Board rules, "the Administration Team is not allowing any titles to be used on the Bulletin Board and in the Chat Room"...

    We believe in doing this we can retain the integrity and honesty on the JBM website that the mighty people of God stand for. As it is written in 2 Corinthians 8:21: Providing for the honest things; not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men."

    Integrity and honesty? You have got to be kidding me.
  19. LOL!

    Thanks for this update, Jeff.


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