Proof of a left-wing bias

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Guest, Dec 3, 2005.

  1. That's because most journalists are SMART, relatively speaking.
  2. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member



    Listen to any jurnalist that is trying to make a point and you quickly deduce most know nothing of what thay are talking about. A BA in communications does not make one an expert in economics, for example.....
  3. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    What about the Republic of Somaliland?

    I have to agree. I was reading a BBC News article on the prospects for national unity in Somalia, and no mention of the Republic of Somaliland was made whatsoever, not to mention Puntland. Anyone with any familiarity with the region would have seen this glaring omission, and I'm no expert, just someone with passing familiarity with the place.

  4. lspahn

    lspahn New Member

    I guess your right. I mean a communications degree qualifies you for economics, diplomacy, science, technology, theology, human relations, history. I realize now that we should take the word of someone show is suppose to be reporting facts over people who are actual experts.

    Sorry for the sarcasm. You have got to be kidding me???? Did you see the mining report the other right? Those clown are so smart they forgot that typesets and font have CHANGED IN THIRTY YEARS. I think thats real thin Carl. you usally have a stronger reason than "they are smarter"

    I think my official retort should be..

    "No they are not" I mean that is based in the same substance right???

    because they are smart..hahahahaha

    You were joking right|???

  5. Yes.... because Bill O'Reilly is living proof that I was....
  6. lspahn

    lspahn New Member

    you know carl...I had this whole rant ready on how slimey journalist are..then i reread your post and realized you really were joking....I dont see too many people holding Bill O up too much anymore...I cant respect anyone who when they talk dirty the say "boobs"......What is he in the third grade or what....

    I dont think we really need to point out how bad this problem really is. An example. A guy got a Medal Of Honor about 3 weeks ago. This is a big fraggin deal, he died saving his men and fought off a company of terrorist. the guy was a real hero and I dare say had more heart and courage than anyone in this forum (myself included)b. The NYT carried it on page 16. Any bit of bad new about the situation is page one consistantly. The NYT is the Left base of journalist and they proudly wear it. I even read it when i want to read some fiction.

    The conservative are not innocent in this respect, but i believe it is in response to the liberal slant that has existed for years. Is it any wonder that Fox is the #1 news station over and over again over the last couple of years and the conservative movement seems to be stronger now than ever??
  7. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

  8. Re: Gotta love Ted Rall..

    While I don't think I would take such an extreme position, let's examine his statement and see why he might say such a thing....

    1. We absolutely must control the world's oil supply in order to sustain our consumer-based lifestyle and our resource-greedy economy. Anyone who stands in our way will be crushed. So much for self-determination of nations.
    2. "Democracy" as forced down the throats of a conquered land (Afghanistan, Iraq) by an occupying power (us) is not the same as the "democracy" that rose from the grassroots in England and its colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries. It is also not likely to last very long beyond the departure of our last troop ship. Democracy supported by foreign bayonets is not the "real thing".
    3. If a government truly goes "democratic" (e.g., Allende in Chile, legally elected) but we don't like their version of the truth/political outlook, we find a way to usurp power and put in a leader more to our liking (e.g., Pinochet). I suspect we'd like to do this with Chavez in Venezuela too.

    I think to question statements as "leftist absurdities" without really taking a hard look at just who we are in the early 21st century (a superpower, hungry for resources, willing to stop at nothing to retain world domination) is a cop-out. I'm not saying that we are "wrong" to be a superpower, hungry for resources, and willing to stop at nothing to retain world domination - we just need to admit it and stop pretending like we're saving everyone's asses from dictatorships and repression while we are doing them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2006
  9. DTechBA

    DTechBA New Member

    Re: Re: Gotta love Ted Rall..

    Of course we are hungry for resources. We are the largest economy in the world and in fact at one time in the 80's were as large as the next 6 combined. An economy that size needs resources. Carl, you in particular come on here and lament the departure of jobs overseas. Guess what, the resources we consume feed jobs. Can't have it both ways.

    Whether or not a democracy survives after we leave or not is not the same thing as saying we support dictatorships and surpress democracy. Fact is right now all over the world democracy is on the march. Iraq may not survive as a single democracy but I bet that it survives as 2 or 3 smaller ones.

    Let's look at the record. It is impossible to create perfect democracies but I can point to Japan, South Korea and Germany as democracies we helped that have done pretty well for themselves. We have protected Taiwan as well. WW2, the Marshall plan and the Cold War did a lot to defend democracy post depression. Grenada and Panama are more recent examples of democracy in action and they were installed at the point of the USA's bayonet so to speak. Some have failed or a work in progress (Haiti) but at least the attempt was made. Have we also at times supported less than savory dictatorships? Yes, but at least we tried to keep them benign and moving towards democracy.

    Today, in South America more countries are demacratic than at any time in the past. In Ted's world the fact that so many of them are becoming leftist should mean we would attack them to install a dictatorship in our favor. That won't happen even though he would never admit it. He will never change his narrow mind that the USA is the world demon. I don't see how he can stand to live here.

    His point that so many of the people in the room with him struggled during the ASVAB test is a shining example of his elitist attitude. I didn't struggle either and scored in the 99th percentile. So what, in the Army I still worked with extremely competent people that may not have been able to get as good a score on a standardized tests. There are some people who struggled with the exam. About 10% of the soldiers I dealt with would require post BCT/AIT education to improve their educational skills. But, that occurs in the civilian world as well only there further education is minimal unless the individual works at it themselves. In the military it is mandatory. The military is a cross section of society. Since there are brainiacs and minimal intellects in all societies so that will be reflected in any society's military.

    For a bunch of dummies the US military seems mighty competent in what we ask it to do. Right now we are asking 18-21 year old kids to patrol areas of Iraq and react and/or solve real world problems. Some of them fail but most succeed. The risk of failure is the price of attempting to do anything in life. Ted Rall's biggest problem through the day is to write something for his column. Pretty easy just to sit around and complain like Ted.

    In the end, who has the more mentally challenging job? Pretty obvious it isn't Ted....
  10. Orson

    Orson New Member

    All a myth of the crying CYA Dem crowd.

    Obviously, Murtha never formulated a resolution himself; Pubbies had to interpret his public statements and come up with a guess as to what it meant. The claim that was somehow contrary to what Murtha intended is simply more Democratic demagoguery.

    My current bumper sticker read's "NEVER AGAIN!" and in a red circle-bar fine print "Vote Dem!" I speak as an angry ex-Democrat ( as of October '96, when I could see the proverbial Clinton bovi excrement hitting the fan).

    With summer 2005 and Senator Durban's comparison of Gitmo to the Holocaust (summer), and Senator Kennedy's comparing Bush with Hitler (spring 2004), and on and on - we don't have a serious opposition party in this country. Therefore, I've become a viscious anti-Democrat! Because a one-party democracy is a dangerous thing.

    I'm sick of their "Bush lied!" Michael Moore demogoguery. If even part of their hysterics are true, then they are the party of Goebbels.

  11. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Ok Orson, no problem. You have the right to do whatever you want. Good luck wearing one of those Nazi T-Shirts. For those reading this, I am refering to the links advertisizing Nazi T-shirts brother Orson posted in the Snoopgate thread.

    Is that supposed to shock anyone? If you wish to be anti-Democrat thats fine. Your party is in complete control right now, I suggest you enjoy it.

    Take care,

  12. Orson

    Orson New Member

    Now, another example of media bias to answer the implicit skepticism of Abner:

    Remember Katrina? - evidence that Bush hate's the poor" - "Bush hate's black people" - and source of lots of High-Minded congratulations among the media and accusation's on op-ed pages against Bush? (That was just months ago, mind you.)

    Some went so far as to blame Bush - the man who liberated roughly 50 million from totalitarian regimes - for "genocide."

    The not yet complete (but almost so) systematic evidence of the dead shows that the victims were rather representative of New Orleans' residents, with one exception: old people.

    For those BDS's, this suggests one obvious conclusion hitherto unmentioned: "George Bush hates old people!" Over half of the dead in New Orleans in the wake of Katrina most were over age 60, nearly half over 75.

    Says columnist Cathy Young, "the paucity of coverage this story has received is disappointing, and rather remarkable. The article was released by Knight Ridder on December 30 and picked up by 22 Knight-Ridder newspaper, but few featured it very prominently. Only three -- The Charlotte Observer, The Akron Beacon Journal, and The Bradenton Herald (Florida) -- ran it on the front page; most buried it well inside. The analysis has received no mention in The New York Times, The Washington Post, or USA Today; there has not been a single editorial commenting on it, from any of the papers that told us all about how Katrina has exposed the inequities of race and class in America.

    Young concludes: "No wonder a lot of people think there really is a "'liberal media.'"

    The media are so lockstep and useless, they don't even recognize their own shame.

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