Post-doc-partum depression

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by blahetka, Aug 17, 2004.

  1. blahetka

    blahetka New Member

    Hi All,

    When we finished our defenses, our dept. chair told us that it was common for some depression to set in now that we finished and "delivered our babies" (my words not his). I went through something like that when I finished my MBA thesis, but didn't really expect it this time. Well, I was wrong. I went through a few days, about a week or so after the defense, where I was pretty down. It lifted, and I am now looking at ways to fill the time (Spanish classes, CFP review work, etc).

    How common a phenomenon is this? How many of you with doctorates went through a some blues when you finished? What about those with Masters?
  2. maranto

    maranto New Member

    Not me… to quote Jimmy Buffet, “Spanning the view of the Captain and crew like a man just released from indenture”.

    I was looking forward to new challenges, but I didn’t experience anything that remotely would be classified as the post-doc blues…. Well, there was that 3-day hangover, but I know what caused that. :D

  3. humbug101

    humbug101 New Member

    Hi All,

    At this point in time I look forward to and even crave this form of depression!
  4. Andy Borchers

    Andy Borchers New Member

    Russ - I went through some blues after finiishing my DBA. I cured this by moving forward on other fronts:

    1. I moved to a full-time teaching position from industry.
    2. I started working on conference proceedings and journal publicaitons.
    3. I returned to NSU to take their new course sequence in Information Technology Managmen (ITM) to add another specialization to my generic management major.
    4. Most recently, I'm starting to take some accounting courses in an effort to develop yet another teaching area.

    Regards - Andy

  5. blahetka

    blahetka New Member

    We can drink!?!! WOW- and here I thought I had to be all serious and stuff :p

    Andy- I've doing the same thing. I've been picking up on the practice, preparing for the CFP exam, and taking Spanish. I also have a passel load of honey-do's that have been piling up. No rest for the wicked!
  6. maranto

    maranto New Member

    Even my dog got drunk at my graduation party… Nothing like a 100 lb Doberman who develops a taste for Jello-shooters. :cool:


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