Well - three on line opinion polls favor Kerry in yet another debate. I guess either a majority of Bush supporters either don't know how to use "that Internets" (Bush's words), or technically inclined people like Kerry. You decide.
A win for Bush... Fox News debate poll results as of 12m: Bush won: 53% Kerry won: 13% Did not watch: 22% None of the above: 12% www.foxnews.com The MSNBC poll has Kerry ahead, but there is a problem with that. The poll was up for 30 minutes before the debate was even over.
Re: A win for Bush... Oh yes, if it is on the Faux News Network (aka: Republican Neo-Con Network of Ruppert Murdoch), it must be correct /
Re: Re: A win for Bush... Well, Fox did have Kerry as the winner last time. You see, Mr. Engineer, unlike the sissy liberal networks, Fox reports the truth. They don't forge documents, or screw around with poll results.
I have searched numerous polls and find it fairly equal. About half show Bush winning (one shows him at 58%) while others show Kerry leading. Probably the national polls (Gallup, Zogby, etc.) will be more accurate. I suspect the race will continue to tighten with Bush slightly ahead. The electoral college forecast as of this posting shows Kerry holds a lead of 280 (ten more than needed to win). This will be a very interesting election.
AP tomorrow Just heard that the AP's lead story tomorrow on the debate will report about Bush's chuckles, winks, "jumping" off his stole, challenging Charlie Gibson, etc. Interestingly it doesn't appear they will mention Kerry's numerous walks toward Bush, directly challenging him and ignoring the questioner. Rad-Lib bias at its best, I guess.
Jimmy: I'm not sure about what Fox polls showed for the VP debate. I trust you, though. Here is an interesting link: http://www.surveyusa.com/Scorecards/VPDebateWinnerLoserByRegion041006.pdf It is a PDF document showing different poll results for the 1st Prez and VP debate. They have Cheney winning in almost every poll.
I've spent a fair amount of my life looking at random samples and studying stochastic processes. The online polls, whether it's MSNBC or Fox, are garbage. They mean absolutely nothing. They are nothing more than partisan polling machines. The Gallup Poll is (or at least, was, the last time I checked) is based on pretty solid science. They try to get truly random samples and eliminate bias. That one had Kerry slightly ahead of Bush for the last debate. Given standard errors, it was pretty much a draw.
I hope you have seen the latest polls, the majority of which are showing Bush won. Also, so Bush said "internets." I have yet to see you condemn Kerry's butchering of the English language. "Your love and support for Teresa and I..." Also, I never hear the Bush bashers of his grammar and pronunciation EVER condemn Al Sharpton for his horrible use of the English language. This is one reason I quit calling myself a liberal, identifying myself as a liberal, and have changed my positions of some issues. The blatant hypocrisy of the rad-libs (or should I say pseudo liberals) turned my stomach! People make mistakes. I had to edit this several times to catch some gramattical andspelling errors and may not have caught all of them anyway!
Re: Re: Polls are showing the Kerry won another Well, I stil tinck thad Jorge (?) Boosh iss no smart, an thit John Carry i intillecksual.
Bush deserves to be fired. His extremely poor performance is grounds for immediate dismissal. Too bad his "severence package" will cost the American taxpayer trillions. What a legacy he leaves to our children.
Senator John Edwards interview Just saw a live interview with North Carolina Senator and Democratic Veep nominee John Edwards. Edwards, now that he and Kerry may actually have a chance to win the White House, is beginning to renege a little. He said if he and Kerry are elected they may have to cut some national service programs like early childhood education and other programs "near and dear to our hearts." Hasn't the Kerry campaign been critical of Bush's record in these areas? More hypocrisy! Then, when asked how a Kerry administration would deal with countries that may pose a threat to the U.S., Edwards said they would look at the available U.S. intelligence along with the world intelligence and act accordingly. Seems like this is exactly what Bush did with Iraq! More hypocrisy! Will it ever cease?
There are lots of people in this thread referring to lots of "polls" that have been taken but no one and I mean NO ONE gives a reference to their data. Statements about "the latest polls" or "MSNBC polls" or "Fox polls" or "Gallup polls" all mean next to nothing if you're unable (or unwilling) to provide a reference, a citation, etc. Polls are bought and paid for. People get what they pay for. If a poll is paid for by, "The Commision to re-elect George Bush" and it actually sees the light of day, I'll give you one guess what the results will be. This is equally true of the Kerry people. Polls that get to print MUST be suspect. Ulterior motive counts. Will you believe the poll printed in the Washington Post? or the Washington Times? C'mon! Aside from all that, the least accurate poll being made now is a national poll. Here's the headline: The latest national poll shows the candidates are neck and neck (49% v. 51%, plus or minus 5%) National polls mean nothing because we do not elect presidents in a national election. We elect them based on the electoral college, basically a compendium of state elections. Newspapers, television stations, are owned by mega-corporations. These corporations have their own agendas, typically related to the acquisition of additional money. You fill in the blanks. What fun! Jack