POLL: University of Phoenix

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by me again, Apr 24, 2002.


What is Your Opinion About the University of Phoenix?

  1. The University of Phoenix is an Excellent RA School.

    22 vote(s)
  2. The University of Phoenix is a Terrible RA School.

    17 vote(s)
  3. No Opinion.

    15 vote(s)
  1. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Well, I work full-time and occasionally work odd hours and could not predictably be in an in-resident class, so I sought an online solution that was RA approved.

    I had seen numerous UoP advertisements about their online degree program, so my curiosity was sparked. Subsequently, I enrolled and, coincidently and concurrently, I found this website where I happened upon a raging argument about the UoP. That UoP thread was HOT HOT HOT. And that is how I stumbled upon the UoP controversy.

    I’m a little bit leary about sharing my experience at the UoP because it might anger some people and might make them throw verbal jabs at me (because my anecdotal experience offends them). In a nutshell, here is my UoP experience:
    • The instructor had a masters degree and worked full-time.
    • The instructor introduced himself in the beginning of the course with an introductory online message and then we never heard from him again.
    • Students openly asked (in the online forum), where is the instructor? But we never got a response.
    • Some of the students turned in assignments (as outlined in the syllabus), but never got grades or feedback until the very end of the course, whereupon we were all given an “A”
    • ”Group Assignments” consisted of 4 or 5 students and everyone was required to contribute to our assignment (according to the syllabus). Some groups did not do their assignments -- not at all!!! And in other groups, only one person did it while the others did nothing. Nonetheless, everyone gets an “A”
    I could go on, but you get the idea. Again, if the UoP meets the needs of people, then I am happy for them.
  2. dscirincione

    dscirincione New Member

    To me again

    I had a horrible instructor and a lazy class just like the one you detailed. In fact, I reported the instructor who I was told was sent in for re-training (lol). In fact, the person never sent grades, feedback and I got stuck doing the work. In addition, I was graded poorly for following the assignment in the module when she specifically sent an email requiring us to do just that. Thanks to email, I proved my case and got my grade back up. I asked around a bit and no one has seen the teacher since then.

    I guess I had a really good experience since this only happened to me once. I am glad because I would have flipped if it happened to me many times.

  3. Tracy Gies

    Tracy Gies New Member

    It seems that professors are the real problem. Let's do away with them:)

    A student who shows up ready to learn, can and will learn, in spite of his professors:D

    Tracy <><

    The most influential US commissioner of education that ever existed was William Torre Harris, and in a book he wrote, back in 1906, The Philosophy of Education, he said that the purpose of schooling was to alienate children from their families, their churches, their neighborhoods, and themselves! --John Taylor Gotto
  4. Marko

    Marko New Member

    Suing UOP

    Has anybody tried to sue UOP, e.g. for a tuition refund, because they were dissatisfied with the school / program?
    If so, what were the results.

    Is there anybody who is thinking about a lawsuit against UOP?

  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Absolutely. Part of what determines whether a professor is good or bad is subjective. Time and time again I have read evaluations of speakers and they range from "this guy is the greatest" to "how the heck did he get in here". Issues of transference/projection are factors.


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