Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Timmy Ade, Jul 15, 2001.

  1. Byran Lee

    Byran Lee member

    Tim asked about Vancouver University College Worldwide...

    Don't do it.

    A few months ago when I happened to be in my family doctor's office, the radio was on and it was saying that the Vancouver University bullshit was warned by the ministry of education/private postsecondary authority?? that they must stop offering any type of degrees, specifically from bachelors to doctorates. This was further confirmed by John Bear.

    If I remember correctly, from long ago Earon from Vancouver also noted that their operation is nothing more than a mailbox rental box. The numerous address listed on their webpage are not their offices either.


  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    If I remember correctly, their web site used to stink. It resembled a bunch of words thrown up onto a screen. Nothing at all creative about it except that it appeared to have the ability to confuse the issue of accreditation.



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