No it won't because they can just email or text you but it will save countless hours waiting around for students that never show. What is even stupider are online universities that make staff post online office hours as if an online student will wait around all week to ask some question or other. Office hours should have gone out with the hickory stick.
I agree. For DL. But physical office hours seem to me to still have a place in B&M education. Human beings being what they are, face-to-face contact counts for something. I recall the better students, often graduate students, would spend time one-on-one (or two or three-to-one) with professors in their offices. It kind of became something like an Oxbridge tutorial, I guess, but less formal. These were the students who received the best recommendations and had the professors contacting other professors to help get them admitted into the best doctoral programs or hired as a teacher or researcher somewhere. I guess that the goal would be to replicate that kind of thing for DL students.