I wanted to pop in and just say Hello! I just applied to the Doctoral program at the Virginia University of Lynchburg (VUL) and finishing the program in a year was an attractive option for me. I am not concerned with the religious nature and history of VUL as at my age, this is for self-fulfillment and I look forward to the writing assignments. Concerning MasterChief - I enjoy playing Halo against my grandchildren. Sometimes arthritis acts up, but they give the old man a break once in a while!
Welcome, MasterChief! I am considering the one-year DHA too, but I have time conflicts. Hope the price of this program won't inflate too much years later.
Someone posted earlier that the price MAY increase next year at Virginia University of Lynchburg. However, I have not received an official notice - so you may be okay waiting another year. I intend to post more of my experiences as I progress through the program.