New Developments

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by LadyExecutive, Oct 17, 2007.

  1. LadyExecutive

    LadyExecutive Member

    Right now I am enrolled in the Argosy University DBA, however, a couple weeks ago, my employer said that the company I work for will pay 90 percent of my tuition if I studied at a Brick and Morter school. They do not care that the program is through distance learning. As most of you know, Argosy is a cyber school. My professor does not mind which Doctorate degree I get, and they will not pay for me to attend a foreign school (UK or otherwise). I hate to pass up this opportunity since, after I complete Argosy, I'm going to owe the government an arm, and two legs for all the money I borrowed.

    I really like Argosy and I have settled in already. How many of you would pass up and opportunity like this? Do you think I am nuts to take my employer up on their offer? I don't know any other Brick and Morter DBA programs that is mostly online so I've been looking at The Doctor of Strategic Leadership at Regent. I'd even consider Public Administration, or anything at this point, since my doctorate degree is just for personal accomplishment. Don't want any Education type doctoral degree, however, I need something that I can enroll in rather quickly, like in January or sooner. Don't want to do Nova.

    Look forward to your responses. Steve, please email me. I'm back in the swing of things.

  2. japhy4529

    japhy4529 House Bassist

    Hi Shay,

    I would not ordinarily recommend The University of Phoenix (due to over-marketing, high tuition, a somewhat questionable grading rubric, etc.), however, in this case they might fit the bill for you.

    U of P has numerous campuses located throughout the country (including two right in Orlando, so the occasional on-campus seminars should be easy to attend). Also, since your employer is covering 90% of your tuition, you should be able to cover the other 10%.

    Anyway, here is a list of Doctorate degree programs offered (mostly) online by U of P (source:

    Doctor of Business Administration
    Doctor of Management in Organizational Leadership

    Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership
    Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership with a Specialization in Curriculum and Instruction

    Health Care
    Doctor of Health Administration

    Doctor of Management in Organizational Leadership with a Specialization in Information Systems and Technology

    Good luck!
    - Tom
  3. foobar

    foobar Member

    Although many people forget, Nova is a B&M school.
  4. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    Argosy is also has a B&M operation - a few years ago I knew of a fellow employee who took evening classes at the Santa Ana, CA, facility (I recall it was Sarasota before being renamed).

    This is from the Argosy website:
    Campus-based Education:
    With 18 locations across the U.S., Argosy University campus classes may be available in day, evening and weekend sessions, and offer features such as independent study with a faculty mentor, and practicum, internship and training courses conducted within professional work environments.
  5. macattack

    macattack New Member

    Since when. I thought you attended classes in Sarasota? There are campuses all over the place. There is a part-time B&M DBA program at the Seattle campus and I think they meet in class weekly.

    Why would you pass on Nova?

    Why the hurry?

    No, don't pass up the opportunity to have 90% of a doctorate paid for from someone else.
  6. macattack

    macattack New Member

    How is UoP any different from Argosy :confused:

    Both are for-profit and have B&M branch campuses across the country as well as online/limited residency doctoral programs.
  7. bad92lx

    bad92lx New Member

    I am also studying through Argosy and I assure you its not a cyber school. They like many not-for-profit schools have an online campus, but their roots are brick and mortar. I attend at the physical Phoenix campus, very brick and mortar.

    My two cents, is that your employer has never spoken with an Argosy University representative.
  8. manny00

    manny00 Member

    According to Argosy's website they have 18 locations throughout the U.S. It seems you can continue your studies with them.
  9. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    This B&M Univerity has a DPA that seems (after my quick read) to be largely distance based with a few weekends a year on campus in Georgia.
  10. LadyExecutive

    LadyExecutive Member

    I tried, believe me, I've tried to push Argosy University, but they just wouldn't go for it. I've been told that my employer would pay for degrees from a school that is in the game of registering and admitting students who attend school all year round and not schools that offer residential insitutes on a periodic basis. Although, I to disagree with them, they do say that Argosy is a "cyber school". They did say, however, that they would pay for schools that offer online degrees in addition to the day to day, every day, classes they offer.

    I guess we can't win them all. I checked out Valdosta, but I think I have to take the GRE in order to be admitted. I'll have to ask if I might be admitted on the basis of already successfully completing 15 PhD level credits. Is anyone here enrolled at Valdosta State? Wouldn't mind knowing what the culture is there.

    Anyway, I am about ready to tell my employers to 'forget it' and continue and pay for Argosy myself. Sounds silly but I hate all this looking for school stuff and I have already settled in with Argosy. I feel I am wasting time.

    Thanks for allowing me to vent!
  11. truckie270

    truckie270 New Member

    I am in the Valdosta DPA program. I think it is a great program and a great school. I would not hold your breath on getting the GRE waived - I left NCU with 24 DBA credits to go to VSU and I had to take the GRE. The GRE is not that bad, a few weeks of prep and you should be fine (although it still is a PITA). Do not hesitate to contact me with any additional questions.

  12. makana793

    makana793 New Member

    Truckie, how much residencies does the DPA require?
  13. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    It all depends on how sure you are you'll remain employed by these people all the way through your program. Doctoral programs take a long time. Still, if I were taking out loans to pay for Argosy-level tuition I'd at least consider alternatives as well.

    Pat Robertson's not my cup of tea, but sure, if that works for you. Does your employer consider University of Maryland University College to be an online school? I ask because (a) they're not, and (b) they have a Doctor of Management program where the only thing wrong with it is that it's a bit expensive. But if someone else is picking up the tab, well, that's different.

    I've heard others say they like that DPA program at Valdosta State, but it seems like a shame to go somewhere so inexpensive when someone else is paying. :D Then again, it gives you more flexibility should your relationship with them come to an end before you complete the program.

    Good to hear, will do.

  14. truckie270

    truckie270 New Member

    One, two-day residency at the start of both the Fall and Spring semesters. I figure that I will have been back to Valdosta four or five times @ two days each when I am done with my DPA. Not too bad IMO. Even with the trips to GA from Washington I will finish my DPA from a B&M, NASPAA accredited PA program for under 15K.

  15. truckie270

    truckie270 New Member

    Steve, I would agree. I really like VSU and the program, but a great deal of that has to do with the costs. If someone else were picking up the tab, I would definately choose somewhere more prestigious and a little closer to home.

  16. Robbie

    Robbie New Member

    UNC Chapel Hill has a totally online DPH. Check it out online.
  17. dl_mba

    dl_mba Member

    How about lookng at the New DBA partnership between Grenoble Ecole de Management and University of Mississippi? You may need to talk to your company about this.
    According to their press release “We will hold workshops for our DBA program at Ole Miss and Grenoble with faculty from both schools. This will allow us to combine the best practices of United States and European Union research in management.”

    This will be a great deal given that you need not go to France for workshops !
  18. Bao

    Bao Member

  19. macattack

    macattack New Member

    I think it is a great program, triple accredited. You do need to go to France at least twice. The faint of heart need not apply. Intake is once per year in November with a kickoff Thanksgiving week in Grenoble. So it won't meet her need of starting right away.
  20. macattack

    macattack New Member

    Well sort of. You have an option between an applied project (not unusual of a non-PhD business doctorate) or a "traditional" dissertation. Either way, the commitment most likely will be the same either way.

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