Need advice/help! UOP

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by CoraJack, May 5, 2003.

  1. Han

    Han New Member

    I tend to disagree, they have a corner of the market, sicne they penetrated it early and many know their name. Now that there are competitors out there, I think they will soon see a decline in enrollment. There are too many choices out there to deal with the issues that seem to be a part of their University.

    It is the classic cases of online companies - could not handle the growth and lost their edge. I just had an e-commerce class that went over successes and failures, most failures was due to the inability to handle growth.

    I see Touro going to the forefront, they seem to have done their homework and it will take some time, but the best product will prevail.
  2. Michele

    Michele New Member

    Capella Experience

    You asked about people's experiences with Capella. I completed my master's degree there in 2001 (Human Services - professional counseling specialty), and since then have been in their PhD program. Throughout the entire time, I've had only positive experiences with both faculty and staff. That says a lot! Promises have been kept, and they've actually exceeded my expectations on many levels. MUCH better than my experience in undergrad "brick & mortar" university. This is truly a consumer-focused (learner-focused) institution with very high standards. IF you would like to know more, please email me and I'd be happy to share. I've learned so much in the courses, and it all has been applicable to my work - and leaves me excited to keep learning more! :)
    ~Michele Boudreau

  3. DCross

    DCross New Member

    I agree with you. The best will prevail. I also agree that UoP is not the best. I also agree that they will decline in the growth of their enrollment. What I don't agree with with is the fact that that UOP will go under for this type of service soon, as you say.

    With growth comes problems. There are MANY UoP students that are more than satisfied. I had no problems. I bet there are those whop are pissed at Touro for something. Rest assured, UoP is not going under in our lifetime.
  4. Han

    Han New Member

    Good point, but about 2 months into viewing these boards, I asked why we don't see more about UoP, and the response was that they are not very impressive to the DL group here.

    You are probably right about not our lifetime, but I think it will happen. Kmart used to be #1, slowly but surely Wal-Mart has made a presence and is #1...... though the tiedes are slow, I think it will happen.

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