NCU vs TUI - delivery format and academic level

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by jampedro, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. jampedro

    jampedro New Member

    I am a TUI MBA graduate and am in the process of applying to NCU and TUI Phd programs. I would like find out about the delivery methods of TUI and NCU for their Phd programs. Also with like to find out about academic levels and research requirement. An example of syllabus would be helpful. Since I am about to spend so much money and time on this. I want to take on the most challenging program. Comments from students in any one of these programs are welcome.
  2. Here's a paste of a thread about NCU.

    Is TUI a RA school? I looked up their accrediting body and I didn't recognize it, but I'm no expert. I know that NCU is regionally accredited. I
    I'm starting a PhD at NCU in January.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2009
  3. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I got my masters from TUI (which is RA and was the "online" part of Touro College in NY when I was in the program) and did not like the lack of books. That is the only problem I had with the program. I recently took a finance class and it is still the same as it was when I was in the masters program in 2004 - I liked the paper writing but still - no books.

    I went with the NCU PhD for a few reasons over TUI.
    1) I like books
    2) TUI did not have concentrations at the time
    3) The way the semesters worked, cost of classes, and the continuous enrollment rule, it would have cost me money out of pocket
    4) They were not accepting new students due to being short staffed

    I thought TUI had a streaming video requirement for the PhD but I could be wrong and that was a long time ago.

    NCU is as follows - get the book, get the syllabus, do the assignments. No discussions like TUI and the papers are not as structured like TUI. At TUI there are 10 papers due for each class. NCU has a different number of papers due depending on the class. Some were 4 some were 10.
  4. jampedro

    jampedro New Member

    Thanks. Yes TUI is regionally accredited
  5. jampedro

    jampedro New Member

    Are you saying that TUI required more work? Other than having books, how does the content and academic level of the courses compare in your opinion?
  6. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I would not say one is more work then another - just different. At TUI you know that you will have a Session Long Project and a Case Study due every other week and a paper for each (something like 1-3 pages and 3-5 pages) totaling about 35-50 pages per class. At NCU, there is not the same structure. One class had 2 papers due (minimum 15 pages each) while another class had 6 papers due (10-12 pages each).
  7. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    What business discipline is of interest to you?
  8. sentinel

    sentinel New Member

    According to emails received from NCU the school seems determined to keep students enrolled in a new course every 12-weeks to 16-weeks and any breaks from study must be approved in advance by the school. NCU calls this 'continuous enrollment'. Just something to be aware before you make a final decision on where you earn your doctorate degree.
  9. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I always take 30 days off between classes.
  10. jampedro

    jampedro New Member

    General Management - Negotiation and Conflict Resolution - This was my MBA concentration
  11. jampedro

    jampedro New Member

    Do you take one or two courses at a time? Can't start courses whenever you like or is there a fixed semester schedule?
  12. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    One class at a time and they start the first of every month.
  13. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    OK. If I may ask a few clarifying questions... How old are you? What do you plan to do with the doctorate? Why are you considering only these two schools? Have you considered other schools with short residencies? Also, since you know all about TUI University, why even consider another school? (You might pick a dud next time...)
  14. jampedro

    jampedro New Member

    Good questions Dave. There are a number of reasons.
    1. Age: 46
    2. Increase knowledge and experience of doing research - crictical thinking, etc.
    3. Increase job compentancies
    4. I also want to spend sometime teaching business part time at a university.
    5. I am not serously considering school with residences now. I live in Norway. But I would not elminate them yet.
    6. I work fulltime and need the flexiblity.
    7. I was very happy with TUI and learn alot.

    However, I would like to take on the most challenging Phd..program, my pocket book can afford. So I am still open to any school...that require a lot and where I will feel the push to do more.. Since I will have to spend so much money on this..
  15. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    Hi. Thanks. Honestly, you're pretty old to start a Ph.D. program, especially if you encounter a bunch of narcissists and a culture of prevention that drag everything out for 5, 6, 7, or even 8 years... Moreover, you don't really need the Ph.D. for anything you have planned. Still, dreams are dreams, yawn, as Randell will predictably jump in here and say at some point...

    Recommendation: savor your TUI University MBA for awhile and try to get some experience teaching to see if you really want to put your entire life on hold indefinitely to work on a Ph.D. How about a second masters degree in another discipline? How about trying to write a book based on your considerable experience?
  16. Westie

    Westie New Member

    Never too old

    You're never too old to get a PhD!

    Before choosing I would ask about

    class sizes: you don't want to be in a class of one
    faculty background : if they all gaduated from this school, don't go
    rigor of classes: many schools have weak classes and a rigorous dissertation,
    so you are not prepared
    what other folks are doing since graduation
  17. jampedro

    jampedro New Member

    Dave.. good ideas.. except for the age part. I will write that book.. A Phd program will be good basis for the research

    Yesterday I was informed that I was accepted in TUI Phd program. But I still haven't made my final decision..

    I still very interested in hearing from students that are in or have finished the program.
  18. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    Congratulations! Obviously, you have been judged well-qualified from your performance while earning the TUI University MBA... (Disclaimer: I have taught in the TUI University MBA program.)
  19. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    As Dave said, I would jump in and ask this - how old will you be in 5,6,7, or even 8 years if you did not start on a PhD? Yes, dreams are dreams and some of us have them and some of us do not. I remember hearing years ago that the person that tells you that you cannot finish med school is usually the person that failed out themselves.

    When I was studying to get my MCSE a friend said, "I heard that is too hard and you will never pass - give up on it." I did not take his advice, passed the tests and he later said, "if you could do it, I guess I could"...and he did.

    I have not put my entire life on hold while working on a PhD...what is "entire life" anyway? How do you judge what gets in the way of other things? How do the things that make you happier rate over mundane tasks? If I had to sit and watch a sports game I would consider that putting my entire life on hold since I consider it an utter waste of time. If I had to knit a blanket, that would be putting my entire life on hold...isn't that a judgment about what people enjoy?
  20. major56

    major56 Active Member


    I’m in agreement with you regarding Dave's assertion about the potential of “age” as an impending Ph.D. disqualifier. My take is that Lord willing … time will pass either way. Additionally, an older and more mature student would perhaps deal more effectively with those projections of “… narcissists and a culture of prevention.”

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