ncpace or cd rom course anybody?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by originalbigjim, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. anybody here in/was in the navy? has anyone taken a cd rom based course be it ncpace or not? how is it different than a online class?
  2. Nellie

    Nellie New Member

    Any CD-Rom courses through Central Texas College (CTC) are pretty much the same courses that would have if you took the course online from CTC. Plus, you often have an instructor for the course who meets regularly with the NCPACE students in a face-to-face classes aboard your ship or submarine for the course. So, I think the CD-Rom courses are even better than the online courses because you do have an instructor that you can talk with face-to-face, ask that instructor any questions and obtain instant feedback, etc. And, any of those CD-Rom courses from Central Texas College are excellent. You'll have to study, though, and make sure that you complete all of the assignments. The way those CD-Rom courses from CTC are set up, you usually cannot pass the course without completing all of the assignments and taking the examinations. You have to complete all of the assignments, study, and do the work. ;) But, they are excellent courses, and you'll learn a great deal of useful information that you should be able to use in your civilian work-on-the-job when you are discharged from the military, if not before. If you set yourself a daily study schedule and stick to it, you should be able to pass the courses.

    I hope this helps.


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