I notice that a number of Australian schools offer what could be called a "general" research-based M.F.A. consisting of two parts: (1) An approved thesis on a given figure, tradition, or approach. (2) A creative example of work in the spirit of that figure or tradition, or as an example of that approach. My ideal M.F.A. program would be an M.F.A. in religious literature, done concurrently with the Ph.D. in theology. It looks as though it may be possible for me to arrange a nonresidential M.F.A. from Monash, but I've been too self-conscious to ask "Can this M.F.A. be focused on written work?" (thereby revealing the fact that I don't really know). So: Can a general Australian M.F.A. usually be focused on written work...? Thanks for any leads. BTW- Any Mac users among you, take heed: OS X rocks. The Mail app rocks. The interface rocks. It's five times faster than OS 9 on my little iMac 400. It's very visually appealing. And best of all: when IE5 crashes, it doesn't freeze up the system! Peace, ------------------ Tom Head www.tomhead.net