NA and FBI

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by manny00, Jan 6, 2005.

  1. -kevin-

    -kevin- Resident Redneck


    let me offer a counterpoint. I grew up in the hallucinogenic years and while all my friends were dope smoking and dropping acid I was into sports and school. My question to you is which is really the out of the box thinker, the individual following the crowd or the one who can stand by and turn down all the misguided efforts to be cool? The internal fortitude to not go with the flow is greater, I can assure you.

    I also am one of those polygraph takers who was asked if I "ever" (not how many times) smoked dope and answered "No". Lots of folks checking the machine on that answer.

    The rules and questions have migrated considerably over the years to allowances for misguided coolness, but a line must be drawn for individuals that cross experimentation into proclivity.
    Arbitrary as it seems, you can thank the professionals at universities for many of the policies and rules since the government turns to the experts for guidance. I am continually amazed at the lack of grasp of government policy decisions. they don't come out of thin air (although it sure seems that way) they come after consultation and studies from top instituions, perhaps a good doctoral dissertation can make you the next go to guy for the number of instances of misguided coolness acceptable to carry firearms and make the sound decisions that led to WACO.

  2. MichaelR

    MichaelR Member


    I lettered in Soccer, baseball and trakc in high school. My indisgression came mainly when i was in college. I have always walked to the beat of my drummer. Alot of the drug use I did not only was to be "cool" but also because i was so depressed it was the only way that I could make it from day to day. All of this is a thing of the past for me, and though I sometimes wish I wouldn't have done it, there is nothing I can do about it now and I make the best of what I have. I personally think that Pot is more dangrous than alchol (when used in moderation) But quite honestly, I have never heard of someone killing someone when stoned. Not saying that it hasn't happened, but you never hear about it. Mainly you hear about drunk drivers killing people. This is amazingly off topic... :) sorry.
  3. -kevin-

    -kevin- Resident Redneck


    maybe a little off topic but still you make a good point regarding college and the transgressions that can be there for a long time.

    Back to the degree issue, NA or RA would be dependent on the exact position and the need for applicants. In times of need the selection criteria migrates towards the minimums.

    Happy New Year,

  4. MichaelR

    MichaelR Member

    that should have been no more dangerous... darn head colds...

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