"Plural Bride to Be" is my sister's book. The story is based on our family when I was a little kid. She changed the names so if you read it you can try to figure out which kid I am. The book is about my sister being a 12 year old being "wanted" by a polygamist leader. My parents followed this con-man for years while I was growing up. His name was Bill Goldman. He's mentioned in this Wikipedia article (1960 in the list). article. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Mighty_and_Strong He had one of his wives living in a trailer parked on our farm. The book actually has very good reviews except by a silly Mormon that was personally bothered by the polygamist theme of the book and did her best to make the Amazon.com book reviews look bad. The book is an exciting read with some great humor. Here's the paragraph about the author on Amazon.com Cheryl Vaught grew up in rural Utah where her family harbored a polygamist prophet and his wives in trailers on their farm and conducted covert religious services in their living room, thereby arousing suspicion from law enforcement. Like her 1950s friends, she also feared the atom bomb, the end of the world, the blustery mainstream Mormon bishop, and their sometimes violent parents. Ms. Vaught is a teacher, writer, and ex-Mormon activist. She lives in Northern California with her husband and near her two grandchildren. https://www.amazon.com/Plural-Bride-Be-Cheryl-Vaught-ebook/dp/B07CZQT5Q8 The only part of that paragraph that is not true is that unfortunately my dear sister and her wonderful husband have both passed away since it was written.
I found a free version of "Plural Bride to Be". The link to it is on the front page of the exMormon.org discussion forum. My sister was a moderator for this forum for many years. The front page for the forum is kind of cluttered so just look for the book link in the yellow box. https://www.exmormon.org/
@Bill Huffman - I just read the first 60 pages of the book. It's a great read - I hope to read the rest very shortly. No spoilers, so I won't tell you any more than this - I think I already know which kid you are. And I haven't even heard the young boy speak, yet. I think it's an important, well-written and revealing story from word "go." More later.