More than on BA?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by carlosamador, Jul 30, 2004.

  1. carlosamador

    carlosamador New Member

    While I am currently focused on just getting a testing schedule going and working towards my Bachelors in Business I was wondering since the core is mostly the same for most Bachelor degrees (not sure about this just guessing). Would it be a good idea to get more than one Bachelor or more importantly do you think it would have an impact in your marketabilty. Mostly once I have my degree I want to continue my education in various other subjects while I pursue my MBA. :) Since testing speeds up the proccess considerably I was just wondering what others thought of this. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Morten

    Morten New Member

    When you get your master I doubt very many will be interested in your BA. If you want to improve your chances on the marked go for one more master instead.
  3. Morten

    Morten New Member

    When you get your master I doubt very many will be interested in your BA. If you want to improve your chances on the marked go for one more master instead.
  4. carlosamador

    carlosamador New Member

    Title was supposed to read more than ONE BA.

    My apologies for the goof in the title. I didn't think about that with the Masters. I am going to refocus and upon completing my MBA will move to work on other Masters as well. I appreciate the feedback. :)
  5. CoachTurner

    CoachTurner Member

    Depending on the field you want to work in, a second BA/BS can be a valuable investment.

    Particularly if one BA/BS is business related and the other is based in the academic area that supports a particular business.

    An example: a BA in music with a BS in business when applying within the music industry. even an MBA wouldn't negate the usefulness of the BA music in this example. Another example would be a BS in Phys. Ed. with a BS in business for applying within the personal health/exercise fields (say as a CEO of a YMCA). Again, the MBA would be nice icing but the BS (PE) would open the door.

    Another advantage of the second BA/BS is the door opener for getting into an MA/MS program in that subject area. While many grad programs don't require a specific undergrad major, many do. If you want that second MA in history, then you'll probably need a BA in history or a solid undergraduate preparation in history in order to be accepted.

    I'd imagine that holding a BS in general business, BA in a non-English language, and an MBA would create an initially marketable package.

    just a thought....
  6. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    If you ever want to teach in a California Community College your undergraduate degree is sometimes a factor in meeting minimum requirements. See for examples.

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