[Moore culture war] Phi Beta Kappa Rejects GMU

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Charles, Mar 2, 2005.

  1. Charles

    Charles New Member

  2. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    I can understand PBK's decision if it was based on the notion of academic freedom vis-a-vis GM's buckling under pressure from the legislature, but I can't help but suspect that some party politics was involved in the matter. If GM's decision had been a genuine change of heart unpressured by the legislature, in which administrators decided that Moore's credentials were too shaky and his distortions of the facts too voluminous to warrant unleashing his rhetoric upon the student body, and PBK had sent the same letter, then I'd say "keep your little key, PBK, we don't want you."

    Don't know what the motivation was; it's all speculation at this point.

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