A biracial American man says that he has been called the n-word since this myth started, and dark-skinned Black people he knows have been harassed. Yet, Trump and JD Vance insist on perpetuating this racist lie putting all Black Ohioans' lives in danger.
I'm positive that Trump could not care less about putting black lives in danger. He does it on purpose because he knows that an important part of his base is white nationals. The racists are Trump's best supporters, like the Proud Boys etc.. He wants to make sure they get out to vote, harass Democrats to suppress their vote, and to heed his calls for staging rebellions etc.. Guess which country has the most white nationalist groups. Hint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_white_nationalist_organizations
When facing backlash for progressive policies, LBJ called this out in the '60's. It's the same playbook: “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” ― Lyndon B. Johnson
Also, all White Ohioans' lives are in danger. City council meetings being canceled because of bomb threats. Schools closing early because of bomb threats. Those bomb threats don't discriminate. EVERYONE is effected by that. At one point in the video a title appears - Trump fan who suspected Haitians finds missing cat in basement.
As a white Ohioan, I approve this message. From an article on the situation: "...when the outlet contacted the person who filed the report, Anna Kilgore, she told the paper that her pet, Miss Sassy, was found in her basement days after she contacted the police. Kilgore, who was wearing a Trump shirt and hat when the Journal spoke with her, told reporters that she had since apologized to her Haitian neighbors."