Hi, I am looking for a MBA, 12 months, distance learning in Europe. Can someone help me? The budget is not important. I cannot move to UK so I want to study and do everything from my office. Please provide me some information. Best Regards
You can start with this list.. Business school rankings from the Financial Times - Online MBA Listing 2013 This has many top-ranked european schools listed.
Hi, I am looking for: - 12 months program - 100% online distance learning, non in campus exams, only assignment Can someone help me?
University of Liverpool might be a good route, I see their ads all the time. Also "The Open University" AACSB accredited too.
It's possible that what you're looking for doesn't exist. But just in case, here's the best available list of non-US MBA DL programs. https://sites.google.com/site/aggietechie/home/dlmbanonus