MBA Degree from National University for sale on ebay

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by RFValve, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. aic712

    aic712 Member

    "It's a political statement and goes to show you what is wrong with American education. A person slaves their whole life away to earn a degree and what do you have but debt up the ying yang. This is the very reason diploma mills are thriving"

    You are not helping either. Why do you feel the need to devalue earned degrees? That's exactly what the diploma millis want, to make people think their toilet paper is as valuable as an earned, accredited degree.

    The seller is upset because of his student loan debt, which I understand, but he signed on the dotted line and knew what he was getting into. The return on his investment will be well worth it in the long run.

    I've accrued quite a bit of student loan debt myself, but the payments are manageable and I wouldn't have the job I do now without my degrees.
  2. CoachTurner

    CoachTurner Member

    Generally, it would have to hold some interest for you to buy it and it'd have to be well under $50K.

    My point was regarding the idea that simply buying or selling a diploma constitutes fraud -- it does not. There are legitimate reasons to purchase a diploma.
  3. Gideon

    Gideon New Member

    Suppose the seller becomes a great celebrity? How much would Albert Einstein's Doctorate certificate fetch now or Paul McCartney's GCE Ordinary Level Certificate in German, or Princess Diana's in Home Economics?

    That's got me thinking and rummaging.......I have personal letters from Lawrence of Arabia's brother (1972), a letter from Chris Tarrant who invented "Who wants to be a millionaire" (1964) and a letter from my old history teacher who was part of a world record relay team in the 1930's. Ebay here I come........

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