MBA Course Content and Curriculm

Discussion in 'Business and MBA degrees' started by John Perkins, Jan 23, 2018.

  1. John Perkins

    John Perkins New Member

    Hello everyone. I am new to this forum. Our company is looking at developing a mini non-award MBA. So we will not be issuing a degree but a condensed MBA like program which would lead to a certificate of completion.

    My question is can someone suggest where content for an already made MBA program can be licenced from? OR do any forum members possibly own the rights to such a program or know someone who does? We are looking for curriculum, learning content, assessments and outline ready to go. We will then amend and reduce as required.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  2. msganti

    msganti Active Member

    Most of the content on MOOCs like Saylor, Shmoop, etc is free. You can see what courses fit into your requirement, and then make a licensing agreement with them.
  3. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    It's not the turnkey solution you asked for, but something not too far off would be the "No Pay MBA" approach. Laurie Pickard is pretty friendly, perhaps you could work something out?

    By the way, I have to ask -- are you the John Perkins?
  4. John Perkins

    John Perkins New Member

    Thankyou you for the suggestion Steve. I will look into it. Unfortunately, I am not that John
  5. Ebenezer Esau

    Ebenezer Esau New Member

    Hi everyone,

    MBA program course & Curriculum it depends university and college. MBA is related to all marketing, administration, leadership qualities and more. MBA is a good career growth program.

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    I thought about doing this for a long time when MOOC was emerging, which picking courses from the free learning platforms and developing a curriculum. You can study the knowledge and with minimal to zero cost; however, there is nothing to prove that you have an MBA. Yes, you can use the knowledge you learn from these courses to start your own business. The downside can't prove such as credential for prospective employers.

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