Math Degree: Chadron or UI Springfield?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by GeeBee, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    Empire and Navel win, hands down.
  2. Thorvald

    Thorvald New Member

    See: Your Money : galleriesPHOTO_GALLERY_YM_DEGREES : Top earning degrees

    Best wishes----Jim
  3. jaer57

    jaer57 New Member

    Can't go wrong with Mathematics; used in every industry! I'd love for my next degree to be in engineering or mathematics...
  4. GeeBee

    GeeBee Member

    It's true that Chadron requires a minor. The applied statistics minor has a LOT of course overlap with the mathematics major, so I'm not even sure that they would allow that minor -- you'd need a lot of electives to get the required hours for the degree. I emailed them to ask about that and never got a reply... not a good sign.

    UIS will give a provisional acceptance before the Cacl I-III are completed, and offers Calc III online for those who haven't taken it. I'm doing Calc I and II at the local community college. I also asked the program coordinator what programming language I should take before applying, and he told me not to worry about it. (I can write programs in C++ but have never taken a class.) There is an "entrance assessment" test that you take in your first semester in the program, but it's taken after you've been admitted, so it's not an entrance exam, per se. I think it's meant to reveal any weak areas where you might need some extra study.

    I've also had the new program at Indiana University East pointed out... it's a good option, too.

    Right now, I'm pretty sure I'm going to choose UIS. Mainly based on:

    1) People don't say "What's that?" when I say the name. (A minor consideration, but still a consideration.)

    2) The online program coordinator at UIS responds to my questions quickly, with helpful information. Chadron, not so much.

    3) UIS uses Blackboard, and I'm familiar with Blackboard. Chadron uses Sakai; IUE uses OnCourse, which is a Sakai product.

    I've applied at UIS and Chadron, I've been accepted at both, and I'm waiting for my transcripts to be evaluated for transfer credit. If one school is going to accept significantly fewer transfer credits than the other, or has some lower-level requirement I haven't met, that might tip the balance.

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