Masters in English -- an update

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Michael, Sep 17, 2005.

  1. anthonym

    anthonym New Member

  2. anthonym

    anthonym New Member

  3. airtorn

    airtorn Moderator

  4. japhy4529

    japhy4529 House Bassist


    I was just reading my enrollment information last night from National University. They make a very interesting claim, although I'm not quite sure if it's accurate: "National University is the only school in the U.S. to offer a 100% online MFA in Creative Writing." I just thought it was interesting that no other schools offer this type of degree online (at least not in the U.S.).

    Perhaps you should contact National University (or other schools that offer an MFA in Creative Writing) to see what graduates are doing with their degrees. If you could contact alumni of these types of programs, that would be even better.

    Good luck with whatever path you decide to travel down.

    - Tom
  5. Michael

    Michael Member

    Thank you all for the additional programs you have brought to my attention.

    As hard as I try, I just can't get interested in a traditional English degree; I can't seem to get passionate about a degree that doesn't at least combine English with creative writing and allow a creative thesis.

    Now, don't get me wrong -- I love to read and study literature, but I am more interested in producing it.

    I am already a certified teacher in an elementary school, and any further education courses simply do not appeal to me.

    So, I'll keep searching for an English degree with a creative writing emphasis, and if any of you know of any other such degrees, please let me know. I'll definitely be watching this thread for additional information.

    Thanks again to all.
  6. anthonym

    anthonym New Member

    You might be able to work something out with Fort Hays State's MLS. It includes a couple writing courses and ends in a final project that can take different forms.

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