Mail your dog to Pennsylvania

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by John Bear, Feb 23, 2002.

  1. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    I note that DETC has approved a new course in Dog Obedience from Education Direct, the new name of Harcourt Learning Direct, which was the new name of the International Correspondence Schools

    For the final exam, one mails one's dog to Scranton, Pennsylvania, where it is put through its paces, then mailed back.

    At least one of the prior sentences is true.
  2. Bill Highsmith

    Bill Highsmith New Member

    I am OUTRAGED and OFFENDED at your suggestion of mailing a dog to take a test. What about cats???
  3. Mike Albrecht

    Mike Albrecht New Member

    Most cats would be glad to mail any dog to Scranton, except cats in scranton which would recommend Willks-Barre.
  4. mgspillane

    mgspillane Member

    Course in Dog Obedience from Education Direct,

    Does the course in Dog Obedience from Education Direct lead (sic) to the double degree of "D.O., Ed.D."?
  5. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Martin (welcome back!) asks: Does the course in Dog Obedience from Education Direct lead (sic) to the double degree of "D.O., Ed.D."?

    John: Actually it is the single degree of "Doctor of Online Obedience" (D.O.O.), popularly known as a "Doggy-DOO degree."

    You ought to see the commence ceremony. All the graduands at one side of the stage, a big bin full of diplomas at the other, and on command, the Dean yells, "Fetch!"
  6. mgspillane

    mgspillane Member

    I have now looked further into this and, as I understand it, the owner submits a portfolio documenting the learning and enclosing the trained dog(s) in order to demonstrate competence in dog training. If the dog remains in the 'sit' position throughout the journey, the owner is awarded "Magna", and for the 'doggy-doo or die' position "Laude." However for the the 'beg' position, they receive "Summa."

    From Dr Bear's description, at the graduation ceremony the successful owners compete in a doggy game, presumably before an audience of proud dogs. The only unanswered question is, "Dr Bear, why we need to know this?"
  7. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Know what?
  8. Ike

    Ike New Member

    Why Wilkes-Barre since it is an established fact that Philadelphia has the most conducive climate for German shepherds and Afghan hounds, and the the worst climate for breeding Egyptian maus?

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